Being Mcfly

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*Danny's POV*

I'm in a band called Mcfly with my best friends. Do you know how amazing it is? Being in a band with your three best friends...the three people you rely upon most in the world. The boys you always had to cry on if you were ever feeling sad. You owed them your lives yet it wasn't that simple...after ten years of being in a band, you can't help but feel EXTREMELY close to them. Like Tom, my best friend in the whole world. It was always us two, right from the start. Until we held that audition where we found out other two best friends. I've always been extremely close to Tom. I could hug him, kiss him, it would never mean a thing - but it makes me feel like i have that love i need and desire in a best friend. It was like that with all of us, never made weird. I really love my best friends.

The chemistry we had on stage has always been amazing, that's probably why the fans feel so connected to us. I loved sharing the stage with my three best friends. Were all so confident and i love having them around, we share everything and just get on so well. I can be myself around them, I love them so much and I couldn't ask for a better band.

Best friends - Flones slash (mcfly/mcbusted)Where stories live. Discover now