The Incident

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*Danny's POV*

It was raining, pouring it down. My long hair sticking to my face as I biked frantically through the rain to the one place I felt safe - Toms house. Me and my girlfriend of 4 years just had a massive argument after I tried to surprise her by going home early and found her getting off with my neighbour. I reached toms house and barged through the door, Tom doesn't mind, we share everything. I didn't say a thing as I walked into his front room. He was already stood up with his arms open, waiting to engage me in a hug. Luckily, the rain masked the tears pouring from my eyes but as soon as I hit the warm embrace of my best friend, I broke down into loads sobs. Tom nestled his head into the pit of my neck, his warm breath gliding over my skin as I sobbed into his shoulder.

*Toms POV*

I didn't need to ask what was wrong as long as I could comfort him. He rarely got in a state like this. I pushed my finger up under his chin, prizing his wet face from my shoulder as I brought his face up to meet mine. His bright, red, stinging eyes met with mine as I saw his lip quiver, trying to hold back his tears. I bit my lip as I tried not to cry at seeing my best friend in this state but failed as a single tear rolled down my cheek. He brought up his hand and wiped it away. He glanced behind me. "Sorry for making you and your house wet." he mumbled.

I silenced him as I embraced him in another hug before kissing his head like I normally do when he is in times of distress. I didn't really care about the wet. "It's water, it will dry." I whispered with care into his ear, continuing to hold him close.

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