We need to talk to you

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*Toms POV*

We decided that today we would invite Doug and Harry over. So we did. I, again, lent Danny some of my clothes and he looked pretty good in my stuff. We continued our cuddling until we heard the doorbell ring. We let Doug and Harry in and had a chat. Me and Danny hadn't eaten breakfast so by the time lunch came around we were famished. I made a salad for us all to share. "Do you want some help?" I head Danny call from the front room.
"Sure," I called back.

Dougie and Harry followed Danny through into the kitchen and they sat down on the sofa as me and Danny made the salad. We both moved across to reach the same tomato and our hands touched.

*Tom and Danny POV*

Sparks shot through my body like electricity but I couldn't let him know that. I looked into his eyes and all I could feel was love for him.

*Dougie POV*

"There's something going on between them..." I whispered to Harry. Harry was unsure until he saw their hands touch and fireworks practically went off between them there and then. "I'll talk to Tom, you talk to Danny."

*Harry and Dougie POV*

"Tom/Danny, we need to talk."

Dougie took Tom into the front room and left Harry and Danny in the kitchen.

"It's obvious you like him! Just tell him, I can see it in both your eyes that you love each other."

Both Tom and Danny protested. They all went back into the kitchen, nothing else was said. They ate their lunch in the front room and when they were done, it was time for Danny to explain to Dougie and Harry what had happened between him and Sam...

*Toms POV*

Danny got very emotional at having to repeat this and I didn't like it. I soothingly placed a hand on his knee and when he'd finished, I leant into his hear, my warm breath skimming his neck and whispered in his ear that it will be ok.

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