Proving a point

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I was scared, I was so happy this was finally happening but I didn't know why it was, I thought Danny was straight. He pulled my back down, sighing as he entangled his hand in mine. "I knew this would happen," he sighed.
"I thought you'd leave me, not meaning it." He looked down to continue to play with my fingers.
Catching my breath, I managed to say, "I don't think you know how much I love you. I don't want this to be a one time thing, I know now you'll say it isn't but I don't want my heart broken and I don't want to lose you Danny." Before I could say anything else, Danny was being extremely adorable.
"I..." He started, kissing my nose.
"" He kissed my lips, letting it last a second longer than the first kiss on my nose.
"" He kissed behind my ear, his hot breath in my ear.
"" My collarbone.
"...much." My chest.
By now, I knew how much he meant it. I couldn't resist and I ripped his shirt off, engaging in another passionate yet caring kiss. We stopped momentarily as he mulled my top over my head but continue as our hands finally got to roam each other's body. We didn't take it further as we thought it would ruin the moment but also because Dougie and Harry were still downstairs.

"Earlier on, when we first kissed...why did you apologise?" I asked him once I'd caught my breath, looking sad, a single year forming in my eye.
"I thought you didn't like me back...I'm scared of being rejected, having my heart broken and most of all...losing you. Something like this can ruin friendships." A tear came to his eye too. "If I didn't like you, would I do this?" I pulled him back in for another kiss. This time I picked him up by the waist, his legs wrapped loosely around my waist I carried him to the wall, pushing him up against it. We continued to kiss but it wasn't sloppy and messy, we cared for each was full of love. We stopped after a couple minutes but didn't move, our lips still lightly making contact. I felt a smile form on his lips against my own and I smiled in response. "I love you so much."
"I love you so much more." With that I pushed him back onto the bed and cuddled and kissed him lightly on the forehead, willing to prove that I loved him so much more, I did. Well, I believed I did but whether Danny disagreed or not I don't know.

Best friends - Flones slash (mcfly/mcbusted)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum