The problem

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*Danny's POV*

We went back down stairs and continued on talking to Harry and Doug but we kept catching each other gaze. Tom looked so irresistible, so perfect. I noticed that when we'd put our shirts back on, Tom had buttoned up the wrong buttons so his collar was higher up on one side. It was cute when he did stuff like that. When we were tidying up, I told Tom. He went to fix him but I told him to leave it, I'd sort it out later. Both our hair was messed up all over the place but neither Harry or Dougie mentioned anything yet I was convinced they knew.

When Dougie and Harry left, I couldn't keep my hands off Tom. We waved goodbye to Harry and Doug, shut the door and I immediately pressed Tom against the wall, hands about his head. I didn't go straight in for a kiss. I mumbled lightly into his ear, knowing that the warm breathe on his ear made him go weak at the knees and I made a trail of kisses down from his ear to his chest. We let out a smile before we kissed. Again, it wasn't horribly 'rough', it was gentle and caring and made me feel loved as apposed to wanting to be used. I decided now was a good time to sort Ton out. All I didn't was unbutton his tom, again roaming his body for every crevice. When I had finished, I buttoned up Toms top correctly. I smiled at Tom and whispered 'later,' with a wink.

*Tom's POV*

That was really sweet of Danny. I could see he cared but one thing was bothering me. "I love you," I said, smirking.
"I love you too," he responded, pecking me on the cheek. That...the way he said I love you. I decided to not let it bother me and we went and cuddled on the sofa in the front room. I couldn't help think about it while we were watching TV, I wasn't really paying attention to what was happening on TV. It was really bugging me and I think Danny noticed that something was up. I had been staring into nothing for a good 20 minutes now. I felt Danny cup my cheek, "you've been staring into space for at least 20 minutes...something's up."
"How do you know how long...?"
"I couldn't help but he captivated by your beauty, Tom." He smiled before continuing, "something's bothering you, what's wrong?"
I decided not to hold back this time. "Danny," I began. "Do you really love me? With all your heart?"
"Of course I do...why would you ask such a question?" His smile dropping slightly.
"I can't help but notice the way you say 'I love you' to me." He frowned. "I say it with so much want for you, yet you say it exactly how we used to say it before we meant it. Please don't use me Danny." I continued. Danny looked shocked at my accusation before his face moulded into a small smile, melting my heart.

"Yes Tom, I do say it the same. That's not because I don't love's because all the times I said it to you before, I truly meant it." I was confused. He noticed my facial expression before continuing to explain further. "I say it the same way because I loved you as much then as I do now. I would never use you. I love you." He said it in exactly the same tone as before but this time I realised that there WAS want. I noticed the lust in his eyes. I didn't bother replying before pushing him back against the sofa and kissing him. My body relaxed as I realised that I really could trust Danny.


I looked into his reassuring eyes. I love him so much, my entire world.

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