Chapter 5

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"Harry? Harry! Are you alright?" You exclaimed, shaking a pale Harry on his bed. His clothes were drenched in sweat, like he just came out of a heavy shower of rain.

Harry woke up and his scar ached. He placed a hand on it and you squeeze his shoulder to let him know you are with him. "Harry, it was just a dream, you're safe. Everyone's safe."

Harry started to breathe normally again, he lowered his hand to his lap. "They know, they know that the trace broke. Oh, Merlin, I'm seventeen."

"Happy birthday, Harry," you smiled. You felt a rush on what you were going to give him. It was hidden in your own backpack.

Ron came stumbling in the room, causing a grumpy Hermione to wait her turn in congratulating Harry. "Happy birthday mate," Ron grinned, hugging his best friend and patting him in the back. "Didn't think you'd last so long."

"Yeah, I was betting he would have given up a long time ago." You winked at a teased Harry and he blushed slightly.

"Thanks, just the right mood of pessimistic I need to be right now," Harry joked, hugging a tearful Hermione.

"Happy birthday, Harry," she mumbled, chuckling at herself as she wiped tears off her face.

"Thank you, Hermione," he replied.

From where you were standing, Harry's plaid pajama pants were lowered slightly below the appropriate hold. As he lifted his arms to stretch, that v-line mark made you turn red. You looked away, pretending to take particular interest at an aftermath of an explosion, definitely caused by the twins.

"Meet us downstairs, Mum has something ready for you," Ron said, meeting Hermione's gaze which meant that she was also aware of what it was he was talking about.

Harry looked at you for help but you have wandered to the bathroom by this time, wanting to wash your hands before going downstairs. You decided it was best to keep the door slightly open so that you wouldn't feel too closed in. You turned on the sink and cupped your hands in front of you, dropping them under the pressure of the running water.

You let your eyes feel heavy as you applied some bubbly, pink soap. You had trouble sleeping at night, Moody's body falling kept on replaying on your mind like a scratched DVD. You heard faintly a door close. You suspected they had gone downstairs already and to be fair, you didn't really tell them you were going to the bathroom.

With drops of water dripping from your fingers, you grabbed a clean towel from the bathroom wall and dried your hands. Already your skin tightened and the dirt under your nails went away. You put the towel back and headed outside of the bathroom.

"Harry!" You yelled, covering your eyes as Harry yelped.

He was changing, he was shirtless and he had no pants on. When you saw his bare back and part of his legs, you covered your eyes automatically.

"Blimey, Y/n, I'm sorry I didn't know you were in there," Harry apologized, and you heard sounds of clothes being piled up on a cushion.

With your hands covering your burning face, you replied, "it's alright, I didn't really tell anyone that I was going to the bathroom. Just... tell me when you're ready." You took a few steps back, to maybe get back inside the bathroom.

"It's alright, I'm practically changed."

You took his word for it and placed your hands in your pockets. You looked at him and instead of seeing his back this time, you saw his chest. It was bruised all over his abdomen and there were scratches all the way down to his biceps.

"Bloody hell, what happened?" You put aside your embarrassment of seeing him half naked and walked over to him. Closer they looked even worse, you saw bits of skin peeling and a horrible bruise on the side of his stomach. It was purple with specks of fresh blood on it.

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