Chapter 26

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"No," you gasped, looking around the forest for any sign of Harry who was there just a small moment ago. 

Hermione looked at the darkening sky with a sour expression. "It's getting dark too, y/n. Do you have a clue where he led off to?" 

You walked back inside. "None but I am going to look for him." You stealthily grabbed your wand and headed towards the entrance again. Hermione was planted in front of the entrance, her eyes widening. 

"You can't leave, Y/n. We have the tent and if anything happens to it-"

"I am not going to stay here, Mione," you responded. "He wouldn't have just gone up and left without telling us. I am going to find him." 

Hermione looked to the side and weighed the options in her head. She slumped her shoulders. "I do not want you to go by yourself." 

You grabbed her shoulders and gave her a reassuring nod. "I'll be right back with Harry. It won't take long." You gave her a quick hug before heading outside. The settling sun exaggerated the shadows of the trees, making you fearful of every corner. You widened your stride, trying to have a clear focus of the dark view ahead of you. The hand holding the wand shook as you used it for another light source. You pointed it to the ground, trying to find any footprints, ones with the diamond figures because converse were the only shoes Harry wore. 

There were no footprints so you were left to make the decision for yourself. You turned back around to find that the tent was not there. Your heartrate quickened until you realized that the spell must be working so that no one can see the tent. Knowing that not even Hermione was watching you made you uneasy but you continued to venture into the heavy forest. Controlling your breathing was difficult but you managed until you almost slipped on ice..

You lowered your wand and the blurry reflection of it shown back to you. You kneeled to the ground, using your hands to test how thick it was. When you lowered more your gaze, you noticed that there was something glowing on your chest. You looked down only to see the black shirt on your body. Probably some trick of the light, you thought, but you glanced again anyway. 

The glow stayed there and when you slightly swayed, it moved with you. You slowly lifted your hand to your chest, using the ice as a mirror to grasp the glow. When your finger made contact with your skin, it burned. You quickly removed it from your chest and winced at the pain it caused. You realized what was around your neck: the item from Dumbledore's will. Then, why is it burning when you touch it? 

"Bloody hell," you gasped, looking at how your finger was turning a sickly purple. There was this sort of imaginary pressure on your finger, willing you to double up and shiver in pain. It felt like it was being stepped on by a thousand-pound weight. It hurt like hell. As you clutched your finger, you scanned your eyes to search for your wand until you see it on the iced pond. You exhaled, shuffling your knees together to reach for it but it was too far. You had to completely sacrifice the ground to be completely on the ice in order to get your wand. 

"No," you whispered, your teeth gritted in white pain. You winced at the slightest movement of your bruised finger, completely aware of how the weight of the pendant is slightly increasing. You fell on your back and used your legs to reach for your wand, your eyes closed shut from the desperation. You calmed down your breathing and extended your foot as much as possible, fearing that if you placed all your weight on the ice, it would break. 

Your foot nudged on an object and you knew it was your wand. You exhaled and tossed your foot over it, dragging it back slowly to not lose it. Once the majority of your body was on the ground again, you looked at your foot. You examined your area and you grabbed your wand like it was the holy grail. As soon as you touched it, the pain you felt was lifted--completely. Not one trace of a bruise was on your finger as you hungrily scanned it for any marks. 

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