Chapter 28

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"What is this place?"

The three of you walked into an empty room. The walls seemed to be hidden in the shadows, making it look like it stretched for miles. Maybe it did. There was no furniture. No pictures. Just empty space for eternity. 

"A resting place, I like to call it," James replied, chuckling. He was holding Lily's pale hand in his. They walked closer to the shadows and you stayed rooted in place. 

Lily turned her head to the side, seeing you hesitate in the corner of her eye. "Don't be afraid, y/n. We need to show you this." She extended her hand towards you. 

Her hand seemed to flicker, like a flame on a candle. You looked into her eyes and slowly nodded your head. You reached for her hand expecting your fingers to go through hers. Instead, her hand felt real. "How is this happening?" 

"It's the necklace that Dumbledore made you," Lily explained, making you walk alongside her. 

As the three of you walked deeper in the shadows, their bodies emitted a soft glowing light. They seemed to know where they are going so you scooted just a little closer to them. 

"Made me?" You looked down at your neck. The pendant was floating right above your chest, the image of a tree scabbed onto your skin. You reached for the necklace but Lily stopped you before you got too close. 

"He was very careful in giving you this, y/n. He told us to show you when you are ready."

"I'm confused. Why did he make this? For me? I didn't build a bond with him like Harry did."

James and Lily both smiled sweetly at the name of their son. When James stopped walking, you and Lily halted too. He was looking up and within a couple of second, you and Lily followed his gaze. 

Like a movie screen, figures of Dumbledore surrounded by people wearing all black appeared out of thin air on the ceiling. He looked incredibly young, his characteristic beard still as long as ever. He was almost secluded of the crowd and another man seemed to be targeting him with his eyes. 

"Is this...?" You started, looking at Lily to make sure that they can't hear you. 

She nodded. "This is the funeral of his sister." 

You looked back at the ceiling just in time to see Aberforth charge at Dumbledore. The people who were mourning around gasped at the brawl that was taking place just right next to the coffin of their sister. They seemed to scatter around but you payed attention to the look of absolute hatred both brothers had for each other. When you blinked, the image changed.

"He fled," James explained, clearing his throat. "He wanted to create an object that would be able to give him his sister back, just for a little. He blamed himself for all of it." 

You furrowed your eyebrows as you looked at Dumbledore furiously going through mountains of books. He rummaged through his things, dramatically throwing useless items to the floor, some of them breaking from the impact. As glass shattered continuously, he didn't take his focus off the table he was working at. Right there, suspended in air, was the makings of the necklace around your neck. 

Dumbledore looked up and seemed to make direct eye contact with you. You flinched and looked in horror as he seemed to mumble intensely. 

"What is happening?" 

"Listen," James said, placing an index finger on his ear. 

You looked up again and tried to pay attention to the mumbling Dumbledore was making. All you heard was indistinct words and then, what he was rambling about became clear. "...y/n...y/n...y/n...y/n..y/n....y/n....y/n....y/n.." 

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