Chapter 29

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The journey back to the tent was not easy. You and Harry constantly looked at a silent Ron whose face looked just as worried as he felt. Harry tried to convince him that Hermione will not completely hate him but even he slightly knew that Hermione would not forgive him as easily. You were trying to think of any words of comfort for him but your head could not escape what you saw.

Dumbledore said your name long before you have even existed. Long before he was the headmaster at Hogwarts. What did they mean when they talked about time? And poison? Why did he make that for you? As if it heard your thoughts, the pendant heated up. 

"Y/n," Harry said. "You never told us what happened back there." 

Ron inched closer, happy to leave his head for a while. 

You looked at the ground as the three of you continued to walk. You tried making sense of the vision, or dream, you had. "I was in a dark- ow!" The pendant scorched your skin. 

Harry held you and was searching your face to see where the pain was coming from. You pointed to your neck and his eyes widened at the scars surrounding the chain. It sprouted around, like tiny roots of a tree stretching everywhere. 

"Bloody hell, Y/n," Ron whispered, moving your hair to the side to see the rest of the burns. They were burning red and looked deep into your skin. Like someone grabbed a red crayon and used your skin as a paper. 

Silent tears streamed down your face as they looked at your neck. You haven't seen your injuries but by their faces, you understood it was awful. Through Harry's glasses, you were able to see bits of purple and fire red patches on your skin, trailing down your neck to your chest. It looked absolutely awful.

"It's the necklace isn't it?" Harry asked, his eyes drawn together and the skin between his eyebrows wrinkled. 

You sucked in your lips and nodded. 

"Take it off her, Harry," Ron motioned to her neck. 

Harry slowly came close to your necklace, his fingertips heating like he was placing his hands near a fireplace. He flinched his hands back but decided to continue, he would rather get burned than to see you in more pain. 

"No," you whispered, stepping away from Harry. The feeling of hot material on your neck died down as soon as his fingers were not in your reach. Your heavy breathing slowed as you stayed a distance away from them. "It won't let me tell you." You had no idea how you knew this, but it felt like the most logical reason you could give them. 

"Hermione would know what to do," Harry said, grabbing your hand and walking back to the tent. 

You did not fight his touch and melted into the warmth of his palm on yours. Ron continued to walk close behind, making it obvious that he was not looking at you or Harry. Harry held your hand firmly, his thumb sliding effortlessly across your red knuckles. You looked at him while he stared forward, a small smile on his face. You couldn't help but admire him, for how he looked and how he treats you. You felt like the safest person on the planet under his care. 

"Thank you," you stated, making sure that your voice was loud enough for him to hear. 

He made an effort to clam his beating heart by swallowing. He nodded his head and narrowed his eyebrows quickly, one of his nervous quicks you knew. "Of course."

"Do you know what I am thanking you for?" 

His face turned pale, you could see by the moon's light how it danced on his skin. Your heart squeezed as he turned his head to look into your eyes. Those eyes that showed the windows of his pure heart, they sparkled when he looked at you. 

"No, I don't find a reason."

"For everything, I suppose," you said, feeling his hand squeeze just a tad bit tighter on yours. "I don't want to get too sappy, but I really do appreciate you, Harry. Not just for what you do but who you are as a person, how you care for us. How you care for me-"

He cut you off by wrapping his arms around you. You closed your eyes and hugged him back just the same, smashing your face into his shoulder. His hand rested on the back of your neck, his fingers between strands of your hair. 

"I will always take care of you, Y/n," he mumbled, speaking low to your ear. "Since I met you I knew that we were meant to have one another in our lives. I know you feel it too, and you know that my heart is yours and always will be yours. And for that, I will protect you even more." 

As you heard him speak, your smile couldn't seem to stop itself from forming. "I love you."

Harry let a small gasp come from him. You felt his body tighten and you couldn't help but feel alarmed by his reaction. Maybe it wasn't the right time. Maybe he didn't want to hear it from you. 

"I love you," Harry responded, bringing his head slightly back to look at you again. "I love you." He chuckled slightly, his cheeks turning bright pink as you gazed at him. 

Ron, who has already walked a large stretch ahead, turned back to see you and Harry wrapped in each other's arms. The way you both stared at each other made him remember of how he wished he would look at Hermione. He couldn't get her out of his mind and he hates himself for how he made her feel when he was on the verge of leaving. 

But seeing her with Harry fueled a rage in him. He loves Harry, he's his best friend but with Hermione, it's different. He loves y/n too, but as a sister, he would protect her like he would Ginny. With Hermione, it's not like a best friend, although she is his best friend too, or a sister. Then, what are these strong feelings that he feels towards her? 

He looked at you both again, sharing a sweet smile as you both leaned into each other again to be wrapped in the other's arms. A sort of clarifying moment overcame him and he reached for the object Dumbledore gave to him. He looked at it as he remembered the voice that would say his name constantly was Hermione, the girl he was in love with. 

"I am such an idiot," he mumbled to himself, pressing the heel of his palm to the center of his forehead. "Hurry up you two! Hermione's waiting!" 

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