Chapter 18

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Harry made his way towards you, placing a protecting arm ahead of you as every eye was centered on the dark figure floating in the air, invading this peaceful yet lonely town.

Hermione, who was quick to signal to remain silent, stepped back, making sure to not alert the dementor that you were all there. She looked petrified at the monster who was inching closer and closer, following the trail of fear. 

"Guys," Harry spoke, hardly a whisper as his fingertips brushed the end of your sleeve. His index finger went under the opening of your sleeve, the warmth of his finger bringing you a comfort as you went behind him. You were staring what might have been a boney face if it wasn't for the shadows covering it. Your hearing muffled.

Screams. A lot of them. Petrifying, electrifying, it tormented your brain. You shut your eyes, wincing as the screams got louder and louder as the shadow in your eyes was expanding. 

"Y/n," Harry warned, bold enough to grab your hand. "Y/n? What's wrong?" He completely disregarded the dementor and turned his whole body towards you, his eyebrows dropped in concern. 

"Harry!" Ron called, pulling out his wand to point at the dementor who was dangerously close to you and Harry. "Do the spell! I can't do it well enough yet!" Ron felt an urge to try to strangle the monster ahead of him, but thought reasonably that it will make matters worse. He stood near Hermione, ready to attack the dementor if it even came near her.  

Hermione, with a shaking arm, pointed her wand at it. "Expecto... Patronum!" A faint blue sparkle omitted from her wand but it died out like a firework. This sent a panic through Hermione as her eyes met Ron's, who looked just as stressed. 

"No, you can't take her!"

"You promised you will stay with her! You told me that if we did this... that we will be ready!" 

"I wasn't! Please! Don't take her from me!" 

"I'm sorry.... It's the best thing for her and for us. Please get better. I love you-"

"NO!" A loud sob followed.

Another scream pierced through your mind as tears started flowing from your eyes. You were so wrapped in what those lines of dialogue meant that you didn't realize how light you were feeling. It was like you were the weight of a feather, none of your pain or body was wearing you down. It felt blissful, like a slice of heaven was thrown at you. 

The screams stopped. The tears flowed down your face effortlessly. like someone turned on the faucet. Reality started to kick in and as you opened your eyes, a black figure was centimeters from your face. You shrieked as your body shook involuntarily. You were receiving the dementor's kiss, your soul leaving from your body which explained the feather-weight. 

"Y/n!" Hermione cried, flailing into Ron's arms as he cried with her. 

Harry trembled as he kept on uttering the patronus charm but it was rather difficult thinking of good memories when you were pleading for help. He silenced the world around him as he searched through his mind for memories. But, every good memory that he can think of, the tragic outcome would appear right after.

He breathed hard. His jaw tightened. He thought of you. A small flutter in his chest indicated that he was going in the right direction. He thought about the time he met you and how adorable you looked reading books in the great hall. He even remembers how you flipped the pages: running your finger along the edge of the page and only turning it with a dramatic flare once your eyes read the last letter. Then the eye contact. He swears to this day that he has never seen eyes more enchanting than yours. 

"Expecto patronum!" He yelled, his thoughts being broken apart as his body shivered. "No, no, no...," Harry mumbled, realizing that the charm isn't working. He watched for a split second how your face was distorting, just as how Sirius' was a couple years back. "Y/n!"

Harry's voice came into the torment of yells and voices in your own head. You reached for that voice like it was your savior. Like a lost person trying to look for that ray of hope to believe in. "Harry!" You screamed, wishing that you still had a voice. Your hand limply approached Harry's direction and he wanted to shout in frustration.

"Hold on!" He advised, pointing his wand towards the dementor. Through blurry vision, he shouted, "Expecto Patronum!" He mustered all of his courage to think about the person who never failed to put a smile on his face, and just the person alone. No more memories, just you. His patronus leaped from his wand and aimed towards the dementor, who was already devouring the rest of your soul. 

Your body slammed to the ground, a white pain struck on your shoulder as your body collapsed right behind you. All that you could do was see darkness yet, your senses were heightened. You felt the ground shake slightly below you, and your body was being held by multiple hands. Someone was shouting, you could hear the pleading cries but it seemed like miles away. 


"I think she's waking up," Ron mentioned, waving to a restless Hermione and Harry. They rushed over, their eyebrows raised high up on their foreheads, making them look older. 

Your eyes opened and you were met with the three people you have been stuck with for years. You managed a faint smile and it sent a chain of reactions of relief. "Did I sleep too long?" 

Harry turned pale as the sounds that came from your mouth were not words but rather the echo of them. "Hermione, what's...?" He couldn't finish. He watched you as you looked at him innocently, those beautiful eyes looking into his. 

Hermione placed her delicate hand on your forehead, probably checking for some vitals. You felt exhausted, your whole body weighed you down. "I'm so tired," you mentioned, making Ron gasp. 

Ron placed his hands on the side of him as Harry and Hermione gave him alarming looks. "Um, Y/n, you alright?" Was all he could say to possibly cover him up. Your voice was so hoarse, it sounded like a rather old muggle man.

You tried to nod and it felt like the most handful task ever. You closed your eyes, replying with just a small tug of your lips going upwards. Just after closing them, what lied there was horrible. Images of people screaming appeared when you closed your eyes so you opened them quickly. 

"I'm scared," you mumbled, your words slurring together but now intelligible. 

Harry breathed. He took your cold hand in his and dared to get closer to you. "Y/n, you're going to be okay. I am sorry I couldn't save you. I am sorry you had to go through that. I really am sorry-" His eyes started watering and the memories of what happened started overwhelming you. 

The dementor. The way it felt to have your own soul being taken apart from your body. It felt like a hollow shell and you looked at Harry, his whole face written with guilt. "It's not your fault, Harry," you said, moving your thumb slowly over his knuckle, smiling to yourself. 

Harry sniffed, not meeting your eyes because the guilt was just too much. He should've saved you sooner. What if the dementor actually got all of you? What if this messes you up forever? He tried to act like it didn't bother him, but he felt like he failed you. 

Hermione helped get you ready when Ron grabbed Harry from his kneeling position beside you. It was time to move along the journey because it felt like you all were running out of time. When Harry and Ron were out of the small tent Hermione made, Hermione mentioned to you how you were knocked out for a couple of hours. 

You widened your eyes. "That long? What were you all doing?"

Hermione bit her lip. "Making sure that no one else could hear your screams." 

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