Chapter 17

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The soup was bubbling inside the metal pot, its fire dancing on the locket in your hands. You twirled the engraved pendant between your fingers, your brows furrowed as your eyes focused on the branches stretching across the silver. It contrasted so much from the horcrux by the way it felt and looked light compared to the large "S" on the other one. On the one Dumbledore left for you, it was a simple tree but with such detail that it looked magnificent.

"It smells delicious," Ron commented, holding his wooden bowl eagerly near the cooking pot. His healing arm was resting on a self made splint, well, it was summoned by a spell once it was collectively decided that the tent is well protected to do magic in. "Something to keep us warm, huh?"

Harry nodded, his shoulders leaning against the bed rest. One of his legs was propped against him, his arm resting on his knee as he played with a loose string from his jeans. His mind was still rewinding the moment he spent with you in the forest. Just something about the playful teasing suddenly coming to a full stop unsettled him. He glanced at you now, a smirk on his face as you would not leave your eyes from that locket with that cute intense stare you have. He wish you could look at him like that. He sat up straighter.

"Sure," Hermione grimaced, scooping the soup to Ron's eager bowl. "Something to prepare us for our topic that we need to talk about."

Everyone nervously shifted in their spots, ready to have the fully awaited discussion about the horcrux.

"What is there to converse about?" You said, crawling towards the others who have settled near the burning pot. The locket was deep in your palm, so tightly closed that you felt your pulse center on it.

Hermione dragged her bag from beside her bed closer to her, placing it on her upper thigh. She was arm deep in her bag, her head raised to the ceiling as her fingers worked for eyes. "I don't think it is safe to keep it in here." She pulled it out after hearing it crash into an object inside, which let out a soft cry.

"Now we know why," Ron rambled, rolling his eyes as Hermione was about to take the portrait from her bag too.

"No, not yet!" Harry alerted, making Hermione settle him down back in her purse again. "We have to discuss this carefully without any other ears. So, to start, I think we should move."

"Move? Where? To another forest?" Ron asked, his jaw dropping incredulously. "We have no where else to go, Harry!" 

"That's not true," he replied, glancing at you. "When me and y/n were out picking berries, I noticed a few lights down the forest over there," he pointed behind himself, making everyone's eyes try to hunt down the town, with no success, "and it looks like it is a civilized place. We can camp near there for, you know, better food."

You snickered, watching Ron's offended face pull everyone's attention. "Excuse me, Harry! We are on a tight budget, okay? We can only do this so appreciate it!"

Harry matched Ron's tone as he said: "Well, maybe I'll appreciate it if you left some for the rest of us!"

"Oh, not this again," Hermione mumbled, resting her forehead on her palm. She locked eyes with you before turning her head, a soft smile tugging at her lips. You sucked in your mouth to hide your own smile coming to place.

"What are you on about?" Ron asked, grabbing his bowl to show Harry the fruit soup. "I barely even got any! I am not selfish, unlike..." Ron motioned with his chin towards you, and you gasped dramatically.

This set off a wave of silent chuckles. Hermione was hiding her smile with her curls which sent Ron into a blush frenzy. Harry's eyes sparkled as he saw the gears turning in your head for a snarky reply.

"What are you implying, Ron? Self-less, sweet, beautiful, little me be selfish?" You ranted, keeping a posh hand on your chest the whole time. "Tell me one time, Ron... just once when I was selfish!"

Ron stammered as he was waiting for his mind to come up with something. After a small while, everyone just laughed and soaked into this easy moment. You glanced at Harry whose cheeks were still blotched from laughing.

"After Ron enjoys his delicious meal-ow!- we should be moving along," Harry commented, rubbing his shoulder. "We should start getting our things."

Your backpack weighed like a ton as it hanged on your right shoulder. The locket that was still in the front of your mind was secured in your pocket. You were still wondering why Dumbledore would have given you something that relates so close to the horcrux that is hanging on Harry's neck.

"Are you sure it feels alright?" Ron asked, glancing at Harry's neck.

The green S twinkled under the natural light of the setting sun. As all of you continued to look for the town, Harry answered.

"I feel the same just a little tired." He nervously placed the pendant underneath his shirt to make it less intimidating. The truth is, he felt more intense. All his emotions were piqued and he had so many conflicting thoughts too that overcame his mind. He hoped that he wasn't just overreacting but his neck started to itch. And burn.

"How far is this place anyways?" Hermione conversed, swinging her purple bag beside her. She was looking around her like her eyes couldn't get enough of the unfamiliarity of her surroundings. Ron smiled at her facial expression, not feeling the weight of the overload of things on his back.

You chuckled. "Well, since Harry said he spotted it, then it shouldn't be far. We all know he doesn't have the best depth perception." 

Harry grinned and shared a quick glance with you. "I can't believe you are making fun of me because of my spectacles."

Ron came to a full halt before you and Hermione bursted out in laughter.

"You did not just say that," Ron muttered, shaking his head. "Harry, mate, I can't believe.."

Harry shared the laughter with everyone, his eyes meeting yours and his heart melted at how you paced around as you laughed. When you were near Hermione you were playfully grabbing on to her shoulder, while laughing even more as Ron turned pink.

"Seriously Harry, not even Percy calls them that."

"Oh, shut up, all of you," Harry instructed, his voice thick with humor. "It just slipped out, okay?"

You let out the last laugh before wiping the tears from your face. "That was so silly."

Hermione chuckled, moving her curly hair out of her hair.

"Silly?" Echoed Ron, smiling.

"Not this again," Harry mumbled, grinning as another wave of ridiculous laughter drowned everyone. Soon, the soft lantern lights announced the entrance to the town, but there was something looming in the places where it wasn't illuminated.

"What is that?"

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