Chapter 20

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You were helping Harry make tonight's dinner. A wonderful mix of wild berries with a couple of beets to make what Ron called it: the most saddest soup ever made in wizard kind. The wooden spoon touched the edges of the bowl, a rhythmic tune resulting from it that Harry couldn't help but hum to. Your face burned as Harry hummed close to you, feeling the slow vibrations from his throat roll through his body close to yours. 

"Harry," you whispered, his body in close proximity that your elbow was touching his. "I can't concentrate with all that humming." 

A playful smirk fell on his face almost causing you to melt right in front of him. "Really? Why can't you concentrate, love?" 

You sighed, shaking your head. "You are so unfair." 

He chuckled, twirling around you while holding his own portion of the saddest soup ever. "Is this helping?" He asked, making a horrendous dance routine behind you just to see you smile.

It worked because you shoved him, a huge smile on your face despite the fact that you made a promise to yourself that you would just be friends with him. "You are such a handful." 

"Mhm," Harry agreed, dipping his finger in the soup and tasting it. His eyes locked with yours as he did so. Your body responded in a matter that it shouldn't have, and his too which made the next moments silent as both of you whisked what was already paste in quick motions. 

There were footsteps outside of the tent and through the soft light of the lantern, you were able to see the shadows of your friends storming towards the tent. Ron's shoulders were raised up to his chin while Hermione's arms were flailing around her body, her legs walking in stern strides. 

You dropped your spoon, coincidentally at the same time as Harry, before the both of you walked towards the opening of the tent to see what the matter was. Harry opened the tent for you and you almost crashed into Ron, his face red with anger and your eyes landed on the green "S" locket dangling on his neck. 

"Ron! Ron, listen to me!" Hermione called, her voice far away until she reached the tent too. Her face was written in worry, the lines formed between her eyebrows the letters of stress. "Ron, please..." Her body looked like a leaf threatening to fall off a tree, the slightest breeze about to send her falling to her destruction. 

Ron was shaking his head, his chest heaving quickly as he tried to breathe as much as he could. Harry noticed this and placed his hand on his shoulder, trying to make Ron meet his eyes. 

"Ron, what is happening?" Harry asked, moving his head to try to meet his eyes. It was useless, it was like trying to make a child eat his vegetables but no matter how close the spoonful of greens was close to their mouth, their head moved in magnificent ways to avoid it. 

"Hermione," you called, pulling her slightly to the tent. "What on earth is wrong with you two? Where did you go?" 

Hermione smoothed the hair along her ponytail with still hands. "Ron and I got into a row." 

Your gaze fixed on Ron as he looked at the floor, his shoulders finally relaxing. "Why? What was the quarrel about?"

Hermione let out a long breath, her eyes closing as if she couldn't believe what she was about to say. "He tried kissing me." 

Your mouth fell open and Harry's body tensed. It felt like your heart has stopped beating at the unexpected sentence that came from Hermione's mouth. 

Ron, in response to that sentence, fled from Harry's grip and stormed around the tent. "Yeah, I did! But I couldn't because she doesn't feel the same. It is only Harry that she thinks about!" 

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