Chapter 11

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The vast Sano household was enveloped with an eerie hush, with the only sound being made was the reverberating echoes of a footstep produced by a specific man who continually seizes steps. He had been searching every nooks and crannies of every room, just for him to glimpse his beloved wife, however, much to his dismay, he had failed to find a speck of her presence. Though, this seemingly repeating loop of opening a room with the sole expectation to see her, merely to be disappointed in the end, had been severed when he spotted one room he speculated was left unattended.

Manjiro contemplates an unexplained nostalgic emotion buzzing as he carefully approaches the double door looming before him. Winter air scorch his throat as he inhaled and exhaled slowly, his hand scraping the surface of the golden French door handle.

With the little gap in between, he glimpses the content of the dimly lighted room, as he unhurriedly welcomes himself within, furthermore widening the gap he had formed.

Inside, his exquisite wife sat in the middle of the room, which was adorned with canvases ranging from blank to those with paintings of the two of them. In there engraved, she was still smiling, her eyes bright with life, as opposed to the blank stare he was getting now.

He believed this area gave his wife enjoyment as it was where they kept all of their portraits, most of which were painted by his wife, while some of those on display were a few of his creations, as she would constantly suggest that he should learn about one of her interests.

He remained there in a stupor for a few moments, recalling the vivid recollections of her sitting there in harmony while she inadvertently dragged across the canvas the paintbrush she held with such calming movement.


Snapping his state of daze, Manjiro quietly strides towards her motionless frame, which lifelessly stares straight ahead. Her dull irises studied the smiling photo of her and him, while Manjiro who stood behind her, levels his height upon hers. His head was buried in the crook of her neck, his nose crammed with the subtle aroma of chrysanthemum. Similarly, engulfing her in a loving embrace, wherein the warmth exiting his exterior outweighed the cold nibbling at her flesh.

"How are you holding up?" Manjiro questioned her, as he grazes his pale lips onto her exterior. "Are you feeling a bit better now?"


He reaped no answer from her, only the deafening silence and the sounds of their breathing. Her lips were settled into a grim line, as her eyes remained on the portrait that was hung before her.

Manjiro sighs as he engraved his facade with a smile that held apparent forlorn.

"Don't worry. Sooner or later everything will be settled fine." Manjiro mutters as he straightens his spine and kneels in front of her, taking her hands in his and attempting to lift her. However, she seemed to be unwilling to leave the room, as she attempted to release her hands from his clutches. "Come on, love, it's time to eat your dinner; you haven't eaten since last night."

“I even cooked you your favorite.” Manjiro further added, attempting to persuade her. Nonetheless, despite the persuasion he provides her, she remains uninterested and bestows him an insensitive demeanor.


Disheartened, Manjiro sighs in defeat.

"I'll bring the food here, then..." Manjiro communicated, his grip on her loosening. "Wait for me here, okay? I love you."

𝐍𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐁𝐀𝐓𝐀  Manjiro SanoWhere stories live. Discover now