Chapter 19

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A mysterious figure lurks within the interior of the wide mansion. A smile was adorning his flawed face as he continuously prance his way through the spacious corridor. His hand clenching container, a rather suspicious one. Thus, a terrible smell of volatile liquid entered his nostrils as he would occasionally paint and let the walls he passed by be moistened by the liquid.

"This will suffice," he said quietly, smirking at the delight his effort has provided him. He directed his slim finger to fumble through the pocket of his suit, looking for the box of a match in order to light ablaze the benign home standing magnificently, and enabling the sparks of flame to reach the exceedingly volatile liquid that coated both the walls and the ground.

"He'll be sane again if this fire consumes you along with the house, right?" The masculine baritone beamed as the vicious radiation of fire that was consuming everything it could devour was being reflected on his pair of pelagic hues.


The temperature tolerable for a human had now almost exceeded those towering blazes surrounding the abode of sinners.


𝐍𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐁𝐀𝐓𝐀  Manjiro SanoWhere stories live. Discover now