🌞Chaptet 32🌻

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After Art had relentlessly asked him, Gulf had given in and meant to say, "Well, if it's okay with your brother, I don't mind if you stay," but he had been interrupted. It was just his luck. Gulf had given in because Art was Mew's brother. He couldn't take it back now. He had prefaced it by saying "If your brother say it's okay..." but Art insisted that he had said "I don't care at all if you stay."

Sure enough, Mew was glaring at him furiously.

It was wrong of him to interfere in a family matter.

He tried to apologize to Mew over and over again, but it seemed like the brunt of Mew's anger was directed towards him and not Art. Mew stared at him as if he was blaming him. It hurt his chest. Mew had tried to persuade Art to go home, but eventually gave up on it. Art was being unreasonable. Finally, Mew said, "Do whatever you want. I'll sleep on the couch, so you can have my bed," and disappeared into the bathroom.

Left alone in the living room with Art, Gulf said, "You shouldn't give your brother so much trouble," to which Art immediately replied, "Shut up." Gulf decided never to get in the middle of their affairs again.

Before long, Mew finished taking a shower and returned to the living room, where he began to get ready to sleep on the sofa.

"Art, if you're so exhausted that you can't go home, you should go to bed." In spite of Mew's harsh tone, Art continued to cling to him.

"I'll go to bed, but only if you sleep in bed with me. You can't get very good sleep on the sofa."

"You're not a child anymore. You're an adult, you can sleep by yourself."

"But you used to sleep with me..."

"That was then," Mew answered, extremely angry.

Art realized he shouldn't make Mew angrier, so he reluctantly headed towards Mew's bedroom.

Now that it was quiet, Mew arranged a blanket and pillow on the sofa.

"P'Mew, I..." Gulf said hesitantly. He really wanted to apologize. He'd never seen Mew so angry, and he was partly to blame for it.

Mew lay down on the couch, and faced the TV, switching it on. Without taking his eyes off the screen, he said coldly, "You should go take a bath. Don't worry about Art. He'll catch a cold if he takes a bath when he's tired."

Even though Mew had started to call Gulf by his name ealier today during their Odaiba date, he was now calling him 'you' again. Gulf was shocked. All the trust they had built up that day had been destroyed in an instant. He was amazed that one careless slip of the tongue had made Mew this angry with him.

He couldn't say anything. He figured Mew wouldn't want to hear anything he had to say.

After taking a shower in the bathroom, he changed into his pajamas and came back out into the hallway. He could still hear the sound of the TV coming from the living room. He sighed. There was no use in worrying about it tonight, he'd try to apologize again tomorrow. With drooping shoulders, he returned to his bedroom. Even though it was still early, he laid down on his mattress anyway.

He closes his eyes and tried to go to sleep, but all he could think of was the day's events with Mew. Mew showing him around Asakusa and Odaiba, explaining all the tourist attractions.

Mew's beautiful smile had shone against the clear sky. He had been so kind to Gulf. He had even teased him, calling it a date. The whole day had been like a dream to Gulf.

But with one slip of the tongue, Gulf had destroyed it all. He worriedly tossed and turned on his mattress. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't get to sleep. It was no use. He grabbed the alarm clock next to his pillow and looked at the glowing numbers. It was only midnight.

Gulf jumped out of bed. He just couldn't wait until tomorrow to apologize. If Mew was still watching TV, he was probably still awake. Since he normally went to bed late, he was most likely still awake. Gulf walked into the hallway and listened closely. He faintly heard the sound of the television. He crept down the hall and slightly opened the door to the living room. The light from the television screen flickered in the dark room.

Is he still awake? Gulf wondered, and peered through the living room. In that instant, he gasped. A dark silhouette stood out against the flickering light. Art knelt beside Mew, who was lying on the couch. He touched Mew's beautiful face, leaned over, and softly kissed him on the lips.


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