🌞Chapter 43🌻

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Turning around, he saw Mew standing there. Gulf stared at him blankly, and Mew reached out to him.

"I came to get you. Let's go home," he said.

"Ah..." Gulf hadn't expected to be so surprised.

He looked back and forth from Mew's outstretched hand to his face, utterly confused.

It was just like the dream he had. In the dream, Gulf had been by himself in the darkness when Mew had come to get him. He was surprised that his dream had come true that his body froze. Mew put his hand back down. Gulf was worried that Mew had taken his silence as a refusal, but Mew smiled kindly at him. "Can I sit down?" He pointed at the bench.

Gulf nodded, and Mew quietly sat down beside him.

"How did you know I was here...?"

"I just kind of figured it out. You don't know your way around Tokyo very well yet, so there weren't very many places you could be."

Gulf didn't know what to say.

"But I'm glad I found you. I have something to tell you."

Gulf's heart pounded. His throat was suddenly dry as a bone.

Mew watched Gulf's face tensed nervously and quietly began to speak. "I talked to Art. About you. We talked about it together. He won't do anything to hurt anyone again. Please forgive him."

"You talked to Art?" He was a little surprised. He didn't think Art would tell Mew the truth, of all people. He thought all Art would do was talk back and avoid the issue.

"Not about what he said to you. I already knew, without him having to tell me. Because I knew that he told you something that really hurt you. I knew that he told you something that completely shocked you."

"How do you know if he didn't tell you?"

"Because this is the second time he's done it. Before he did it to you, he did the same thing to a woman I was dating."

Gulf inadvertently looked into Mew's eyes. Mew smiled sadly at Gulf's surprised looked. "It was a girl I was dating in college. After going out for about three years, we started to not get along very well. I thought it would improve the situation if I proposed to her after we graduated. I told Art about it, and I guess it just triggered something in him. He just couldn't allow it. So he met with her without telling me, and told her everything---the secret between just Art and me."

"Secret..." He gulped. Could that secret be the same one...?

"It's true that I had sex with Art once. So, of course, my girlfriend left me. When she did, Art didn't say a word, and I realized what had happened. Just from how my girlfriend and Art had both acted. But even though I knew, I never really blamed him. I had basically driven him to do it, so without saying anything, I just forgave him. I should never have done that."

"So you did have sex with him." Art had hurt him deeply the day he told him, but now it felt like he was going to burst. So it was true. Mew and Art had a physical relationship. Art told the truth, after all, a spiteful voice said inside Gulf's head.

Gulf's face went pale with shock, but Mew was still cool and collected. He recognized his own mistake, and calmly continued. "No matter what I say right now, it'll sound like an excuse. But, when things weren't going well with my girlfriend, I was so worried. I was started drinking heavily. I had just started living by myself in the condo, and one night, I came home and Art was there. He was still in high school. He had a fight with his dad and asked if he could spend the night. That's when it happened. I was completely drunk, and I had sex with him."

Gulf remained silent in shock.

"The next morning, Art confessed to his feelings to me. He told me he had always loved me. But I knew that I had make a terrible mistake, and I just couldn't return his feelings. His love bothered me, and I deserted him because of it. I'm sure it was a normal thing for a young boy to feel, but he told me he didn't care even if we just had a physical relationship. So I told him I could never love another man."

"I can't believe it..." Gulf finally said through shock.

Mew had kissed Gulf so many times, and adored him. He never would have thought he had such a fundamental problem. That must mean he couldn't have love Gulf, too. He had always thought so, but Mew had been so kind to him, he had fooled himself. He tried desperately not to cry. There were still many people in Odaiba Park, so he didn't want to cry in front of them.


"It's okay. It's okay, P'Mew."

Mew looked at him with a worried look on his face. Gulf pushed his hand away and turned. "It's okay. I'm sorry. I've been mistaken this whole time. I'm really sorry."

"No, Gulf. I'm the one who was mistaken."

"No, it's okay. Don't...don't worry about it. I'm sorry I forced my feelings upon you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Tears spilled down Gulf's cheeks, and he quickly raised his hand to wipe them away, when Mew took his hand. He looked up, surprised, and saw Mew looking at him with a serious look on his face.

"Gulf, listen to me. I was the one who was mistaken. I love you. Do you understand me? I'm in love with you, Gulf. I finally realized it. You're a man whom I was able to love. I want to prove it to you. I love you more than anyone."


Was it his imagination? Mew's beautiful mouth had just said, 'I'm in love with you, Gulf.' He had confessed his feelings to him for the first time.

"So that's why I came to get you, Gulf. I wanted to tell you everything. I wanted to ask for your forgiveness. I'm so sorry I made you sad. I'll take responsibility for everything Art has done. Please forgive me. Please forgive me...and let me in." Mew's eyes were wet but peaceful, so Gulf knew he was being completely genuine. There was a time when those eyes had seemed cold to him. When he had been treated harshly and felt like there was nowhere for him to go.

But...Mew is such a kind person. He squeezed Mew's hand, and Mew smiled broadly at Gulf's shy reaction.


"I'm so happy you came to get me," he said, his voice cracking. He wasn't sure what he should say. That's all that would come out. But it looked like his words were more than enough for Mew.

"Of course I came."

"I didn't know where else to go..."

"Oh. Well, let's go home. To our house."

It was starting to get very dark in Odaiba. The view at night there was called Tokyo's million-dollar view.

However, Gulf didn't see it at all. All he could look at was Mew's beautiful face gazing only at him.


Sweet Admiration (MewGulf AU)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt