Chapter 1 Part 1: The Beginning

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The Eevee looks around

Eevee: W-where's mommy and daddy?

The Eevee clumsily gets out of his egg and starts looking around

Eevee: W-what should I do...?

Phoinex00: Hello unnamed eevee

Eevee: H-huh?! W-who was that?!

He looks around feeling scared but saw nothing besides the other 2 eggs

Eevee: W-what was that voice...? I-it said E-Eevee...? I-is that what I am...?

Withster_05: Get out there and get some berries Eevee!

J-the-Jolteon: Eevee, I know you might be scared about this but. I want you to check outside close to the treehouse. It may be risky but, be brave and strong. You'll see two Pokémon that is your kind and they will change your life and make you think differently. But not the way you expect it...

Eevee: H-huh?

The Eevee's stomach growls

Eevee: W-what are these v-voices...?

He looks around, but then sniffs the scent of berries... And a stronger smell

Eevee: W-what is that smell...?

The Eevee made small pawsteps outside, following the two scents

Eevee: O-one of the voices said my kind... T-there are more of t-these "Eevee"?

JoltsTheJolteon: Great excuse

Eevee: E-eh...?

Withster_05: Your name should be Speed

Eevee: S-Speed...? I-I kind of like that name... T-thank you strange voice

The Eevee, now named Speed, finally reaches where he found a berry bush

Speed: I-is this what a berry is...?

He gets closer and sniffs it, making his stomach growl more

Speed: I-its smells good...

He plucks one out and takes a bite out it

Speed: M-mmm, yummy!

He then takes all of the berries he can and starts walking to where the stronger smell is

Speed: T-that smells a-awful...

He then arrives to where he saw two dead bodies...

Speed: W-what-

He drops all his berries in shock, some of them splat on the ground

Speed: W-what happened?!

He runs over to the bodies

Speed: A-are these m-my parents? W-wait... Both of them are b-boys, I think o-one of them is my uncle... I-I think I should burry them... A-and get back inside... I-I don't know what else is out h-here...

He digs two deep holes next to each other and burries the two bodies, he then got a few flowers and planted them

Speed: G-goodbye for n-now...

He gets all the unsplattered berries and quickly went inside the house

Speed: T-that was s-scary to l-look at...

He looks at the berries that he has then to the eggs

Speed: I-I came out of that... I-I wonder if another E-Eevee will come out-

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