Chapter 4: Beauty and The Beast (Part 2)

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Hehe, sorry for the delay, had a test :/
Hope you guys enjoy!

Speed and Trace get teleported outside

Trace: Woo, that was exciting

Speed: Yeah, we should hang out with Jirachi from time to time

Trace: For sure! He seems kinda lonely

Speed: I guess so

Trace: Wanna hang out at the lab?

Speed: Sure, last one there is an idiot

He said chuckling and zoomed away

Trace: Hey! No fair!

He then felt something on his back and he took it

Trace: A letter?

"Trace, I can't tell you what to do outright but, please keep supporting Speed. And make sure he stays on his good side. Also, please hang out with me, I'm lonely. qwq
-Your new friend(?) Jirachi"

Trace: (That's odd. I'll make sure to do that. And hang out with him. Or is he a she?)

He rolled up the letter and ran to the lab

-The Lab-

Trace was at the entrance

"Stand still please"

The voice came from a robot as it scans Trace

"Welcome, Trace"

He pats the robot and walks in


Trace: (Dad really improved the security around here)

He then saw Speed drinking some coffee

Speed: You're slow

Trace: You're just fast

Speed: No

Trace: Yes

He went to his workbench and saw that his coffee is gone

Trace: Aw, Speed. You took this didn't you?

Speed: Maybe *sip*

The famous scientist then entered the room

Robert: How are you boys doing?

Trace: Oh, hey dad, we just came back from a trip

Robert: That's nice, Trace

He hands him a cup of coffee and some cookies

Robert: I got these from an employee

Trace: Sweet! *nom*

Robert: Would you like some too, Speed?

Speed: I'm good, Doc

Robert: Alright. Good luck with your work

Trace: Thanks, dad

Robert smiles and exits the room

Speed: So how's the progress with the lightsaber?

Trace: Almost done, we're also making another one, it's also almost done

Speed: Wow, that's great

Trace: Yep

He then felt something

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