Chapter 1 Part 3: Attacked

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Speed: *sigh* Kris, that really hurt...

Crystal: Chris? Who's Chris?

Speed: You...

Crystal: I'm Chris now?

Speed: Yeah...? No, wait... Kris is just Crystal but short

Crystal: Ohhhh

ShiningJolteon: Hey Speed. I think SolerFlare would be a great name if you ask me. Also... you better watch out. Your sister is about to jump on top of you Owo

Speed: Thanks for the late warning...?

Crystal: Jump!

She jumps on him again

Speed: Owww!!

Crystal: Stop talking to yourself!!

Speed: I-I'm not!!

Crystal: Who are you talking to!?

Speed: My, uh, friends!!

Crystal: ... (My brother has imaginary friends...)

Phoinex00: A town is a place full of other buildings and pokemon

Speed: Ohh... So that's what a town is

Crystal: Town? What town?

Speed: Um... I'll show you a town... If I find one

Phoinex00: Speed when you find new pokemon try to be their freinds

Speed: New friends would be nice... W-well, you know, Pokèmon friends...

Crystal: Hurry up, Speed, I want food!! And stop talking to your imaginary friends!!

Speed: They're not imaginary! They're real!!

Crystal: That's what a mon would say when they have imaginary friends!!

Speed: *big sigh* I am just going to get some berries...

He walks out of the house with Crystal just looking at him

Speed: *sigh* She will never believe me...

Eeveekid14: Speed, if you can't lie to black the eevee ok, he needs to the truth about your name then your fake name. Oh and when you go meet the eeveelutions please forgive the glaceon ok

Eeveekid14: And speed, be nice to the glaceon

Speed: Black the Eevee...? Fake name...? Forgive the Glaceon...? This is a lot to remember...

He wanders around looking for berries

Speed: Oh, more of those pink berries

He plucks one out and eats it

Speed: Mmm, yummy!

He plucks more out and looks around

Speed: I wonder if there is different j=kinds of food...?


Amelia: speedy you should become rescuer when you are older because rescuers helps people and you can also learn how to fight to protect your siblings there!

Speed: Rescuer...? How do I become one...?

No answer


J-the-Jolteon: Speed, I don't know if you want to know this but. Two of your family members died because your dad spared a pokemon that attacked your family. When the attacker recovered, he killed your father and uncle, and ate your mother's leg... So, the reason why I'm telling you this. Is because you will have to decide on these specific types of situation later on in the future. So, Will your follow your dad's pawsteps or not? The choice is your. I recommend you spare as much as you can. But, it's not my choice to decide. It's yours

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