Chapter 6: Reunited (Part 3)

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Speed: Lazuli, stop, seriously-

Lazuli: Hmpf. Fine. But when it's just the two of us, you will suffer the consenquence of making fun of me

Speed: *mono tone* Wow, can't wait

Lazuli: Don't give me that tone.

Speed: *affectionate tone* Love you~

Lazuli: *blush* I-I... S-stop, stop it!

Speed: I thought you liked that

Lazuli: I do, but... Stop it for now, idiot!

Speed: Alright, I got it. You know you pout alot, right?

Lazuli: ...

Speed: Okay fine, I'll stop talking

He walked quickly to the backyard, where Mollie is

Speed: Mom, I got great news

She was chilling in the hot spring/tub that Speed built with his Minecraft Creative Mode power.

By the way, imagine if someone skipped to here and like, saw the last sentence

Mollie: Yes, Red?

Speed: It's really important if you came along

Mollie: I mean. I have to thoroughly dry my neck fur, you know it gets everywhere after it gets soaked

Speed: It'll be worth it, I promise

Mollie: Well, as long as I'm careful I suppose so

She got a towel to dry herself a bit and put it around her neck

Mollie: So what is it, Red?

Speed: Come on, follow me

Lazuli: Hey, let me and the kids down first.

Speed: Oops. I forgot

He put them down

Mollie: You two look wonderful, what's the occassion?

Speed: Uhh, today. Or dates. But it's not related to what I'll show you

Mollie: What is it?

Speed: Follow me

He walked away

Mollie: Do you know what he's talking about?

Lazuli: I'm not sure. We should follow him

Mollie nodded as they and the children followed

Speed: *holding button* You all ready?

Mollie: Ready?

Speed: Just... Prepare yourselves. Especially you, mom

Mollie: *nervous giggle* That just makes me nervous, Red

Speed: Sorry. Should we wait until you're ready?

Mollie: No no no, it's alright. (It shouldn't be that shocking. Not enough to...)

Speed went near the graves of Jin and Ralph

Mollie looked a little confused, but mostly kept a calm stature


Speed: ...Sorry, just. Mentally preparing myself

"Just do it. Don't give them suspence..."

In a heartbeat, he pushed the button...

They then heard coughing noises

Sunshine: Was that you, big brother?

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