Chapter 3: The Black Hearted (Part 1)

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Hope y'all enjoy the chapter!!

-Early in the Morning-

Speed: U-ugh... M-my body still hurts... (That Lucario was so strong... Way stronger than any normal Lucario...)

Hey Speed, that Lucario was a berserker. I'll put all the info you need about berserkers in your head.
*puts info about berserkers in Speed's head*
Yeah, I know it's a lot, but this is important information you'll need for the future.

Speed: (O-oh...I should tell Trace and Doc then...)

Have you and Frost follow Black. If he talk to a tyrouge that gives him a piece of paper, that is a S class mission. Don't ask me how a weak tyrouge got a S class mission, but if Black takes it, have you and Frost stop him. And if Frost asked how you know this, just say the medal from before saw a vision of it in your dream.

Speed: (A S class mission?! I have to tell Frost soon!)

Also that wasn't a dream you saw after the medal shut down. It was Frost's memories.

Speed: (W-wait... Frost's memories...that might explain a bit...)

*notices nuke* 0-0 ono speed do not touch that thing DO NOT

Speed: (Um... Sure?)

2 things
1. I just made it so that if you say or think the word summon armor the armor will come to you

And 2
I summon spin top and launcher
"Things are found in speed's floof"
Its beyblade and fun
"Also gives him infomation on it"

Speed: (Ooh, this sounds fun! I might ask Trace to make replicas and other types of these too!)

If the sun is out at night, how cold is your hot room? True or False.

Speed: (Isn't the sun at night called an eclipse?-)

Crystal_Furry_17: No *smacks him in the face*

Speed: O-ow... (I'm injured, you jerk!)

Speed, just remember to tell black about your real name and everything about you okay. And here a blue bow for Kris and a green scarf for flare * in your fluffy* and even a necklace for the glaceon when you forgive her too.

Speed: (Ooh, these will look great on them! Thanks)

Also speed soon you will have to evolve into a jolteon if you don't want that to happen I suggest you figure out what you want to evolve into then find the right thing you need I have a list of things here that will evolve you
-fire stone flareon
-thunder stone jolteon
-water stone vaporeon
-Mossy rock leafeon
-icy rock glaceon
-being happy during the night for some reason umbreon
-being happy in the day for some reason espeon

Use that to decide what you want to evolve into

Speed: (I think I want to be a Jolteon. I wonder if I could get a Thunder Stone soon)

Badabom schakala bigbang mine turtles done it again!

Speed: (...What's a turtle?)


Speed: .w.?

Want to know where the blocky creature come from? Here a Nintendo Switch! *inserting every single information about it into his head.
There's a game called minecraft inside it,try to play it a bit.

Speed: (Ooh, I love video games! Trace took me to an arcade once, and it was awesome!)

If the color of the alphabet was 7 and you're at home on the way to school, what's your favorite subject?

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