Chapter 7: Deep Blue Limbo (Part 2)

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Everyone was laying on the couch

Black and Pearl were enjoying The Lorax  ewith Silvia

Moonlight and Sunshine were cuddling closely

Leaf was laying her head on Flare's shoulder

Crystal was hoarding the popcorn

Lazuli: Can I have some?

Crystal: What's the magic word~?

Lazuli: *sigh* Please?

Crystal: No, it's- odacovA

Lazuli: …You're annoying.

Crystal: *gives her some* Yeah I know

Lazuli popped some in her mouth and looked at Speed, he was in deep sleep

Lazuli: I wonder what he's thinking…

-Speed's Dream-

Speed was in a rowboat, the area was surrounded by forest and foliage. He was rowing down the river

Speed: …What am I doing here again?

He looked around confused, the area around him seemed familiar

Crystal_Furry_17 *appears with more bowls of ramen and some plates omurice with omelet and proceeds to eat a bowl of ramen and a plate of omurice*

Speed: Uh.

Crystal_Furry: What? Am I not allowed to eat the food I bring you guys for free?

Speed: I-

Abeon109 Hey, Speedy. How are you enjoying your new day?

Speed: Well-

Abeon: Nice to hear about it. Oh i believe, I've left some pokemon games in your room!

Speed: I've been thinking- that's equivalent to "Human Games"

Abeon I have go now, got to deal with other you from hitting their head on a tree again... (Goes offline)

Speed: What?

Thundering_Ace: I am just going to put these here (Puts a bunch of pink slimes on speed) Make sure to feed them, and keep fragile things away from them, they jump alot hatchlin *Casually drops a NTW-20 Sniper rifle*

He gets bonked by the rifle and drowned in slime

Volt_Shippuden Hey Speed! Take this *give Speed a spray* If that guy always hurt you whenever you got the answer wrong, just use this spray and you will remove him from existence. You can thank me later

Speed: *thumbs up from the slime*

proyoyo1234:  alright speed we need to have 3 serious talks. 1. Can pearl hear us if she reads your mind? If so, hi pearl!

Speed: I haven't asked but she etheir can't or she's too polite to read my mind

proyoyo1234: 2. We need to talk about lazuli and leaf getting back in touch with their dad. And trust me you'll want to talk to them far, Far from the house. Lazuli may go berserk upon hearing anything about her dad. Here *hands speed the metal cap from mario 64* use this if she gets too angry to restrain her. Her dad's not that bad of a guy and i think he deserves a second chance.

Speed: *sigh* I've been trying to convince her but.

Speed: Hey Lazuli, let's go see your dad

Lazuli: No

Speed: She disagreed.

proyoyo1234: And 3. We need to have a talk about the tournament and that blazikin. We can talk about that after we talk to lazuli and leaf alright. For now let's just focus on the first too. If pearl can hear us in hear that may be overload her brain hearing over hundreds of voice at once

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