Chapter 5: Gray Figures in a Black and White World (Part 1)

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This chapter starts with a Crystal, charging up her infamous dropkick. It is said to destroy planets with just a 0.000000000000001% of its power. Not even Arceus could fathom the power within its ultimate power, which is very powerful, so, so, powerful

Her aura was glowing, said aura could level cities with its sheer force- Alright, who wrote this script!? *sigh*

Crystal simply lunged at Speed

(Before Crystal hits Soeed) *throws a bunch of cookies at Crystal*

Speed: ?

Crystal: (...So good...)

She devoured those cookies like a beast. A very ferocious beast that is said to be able to devour the sun itself- Ahhhh!!! This script sucks!! *yeets the story into next month*

-Next Month-

Speed is at home, in his room. He was reading books, some from the Lazuli, some from the voices. Lazuli was playing video games in the room

Speed: (These books are awesome... I can understand why Lazuli likes these books)

Knight: Speed, take this mask, it'll boost the void I gave you, but be careful no to wear it for too long it'll consume your face

A mask appeared on his paw, he looked at it with curiosity

Speed: (Looks nice.)

He put it in his rescuer bag just in case

Ink: I can believe you forgot about my ink things, but I'm not mad, just disappointed

Speed: (It's... Just ink. Besides, Crystal might find them... I can't imagine what she'll do with it)

Heya Speed!

Speed: (Oh? Hello)

Zeroev01: So um...You might not know me, so let me introduce myself if you want to....

Speed: (Of course)

Zero: Im Zero, weird name right?

Speed: (Not really. It's cool)

Zero: I know something about the black figure in your dreams

Speed: (...You do?)

Zero: But I dont want to spill the whole beans so uh I wont tell it.Bai!*vanishes into thin air*

Speed: (...Mean...)

Oh hi speed so I have this machine I stole from another universe if you see it... DO NOT PUSH THE BLUE BUTTON ON IT it will send this world into madness

Speed: (Um... Will do. Or is it will not do...?)

Hi speed..sorry for just vanishing like that...But i have something to give you tho.*gives an ice rock*(if that thing even exist...)Give this to Lazuli and she'll love it.Anyways bonk Lazu's head for me.

Speed: (Give it her?) *small blush* (She would look so c-cute... But. I should wait. Maybe on a special day)

He looked at Lazuli, and carried her

Lazuli: *angry* Speed! I'm in the middle of something! I might have to do it all again!

Speed just paused the game

Lazuli: Hmpf... Still mad...

Speed stuck his tongue out

Speed: You're lazy

The Voices (ESAU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz