Bonus Chapter: A New and Deep Bond

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Everyone was at a waiting line

(You wondering who everyone is? Keep reading :3)

Crystal: Ughh, why can't we just get in? I'm hungry…

Plasma: Haha, well! My little Jolteon Buddy's sister, I wouldn't want to abuse my title! Besides! These fine mons were here first, so it's fair game!

Crystal: Hmpff…

Trace: Don't worry, my precious~ I'll keep you warm~

He said putting an arm around hers as he made their shoulders touch

Crystal: E-eep!! Stop that!-

Leaf: Flare? Where is Glacy?

Flare:Oh. She told me she went to the bathroom

Speed was just staring into space, or in this case, the sky

Alejandro: Speed? Anything wrong?

Speed: …

Alejandro: Hello? Earth to Speed.

Speed: I thought we were in Gaia…

He said as if he was in a trance

Alejandro: Gaia? This isn't Earth?

Speed: Yeah…

Alejandro: Huh. (Maybe this is the sane unuverse…? Doesn't sound likely)


Everyone was now in a long line, some were ahead and carrying some food. But it wasn't enough. NEVER ENOUGH!!!

Moonlight: I can't wait to start eating! I'm soooo excited!

Mollie: Hehee, not so loud, Moon

She said giving him a pet to his head

Leaf was watching this, smiling

Flare: !! L-Leaf…?

Leaf: Yes, Flare?

Flare: So… Remember when I… A-almost burned big bro like… 3 days ago…?

Leaf: Mhm?

Flare: And… Uhm… It was because of chocolate…?

Leaf: Oh. I see what you mean

She said leaning sideways to see a massive chocolate cake. Imagine the cake in Wreck it Ralph. But BIGGER. AND BIGGER MEANS BETTER.

Flare: Y-yes… Um… Help me, please…

Leaf: Hm… I know. Maybe you could sit down?

Flare: (But I want to stay close to you…)

He couldn't say that to her. It would be too embarrassing. Too flirty.

Flare: I… Um… I wouldn't want you to carry two plates… Besides, I eat more than a usual guy…

Leaf: Well. I can tell by looking at your cheeks

He stated, with a small giggling

Flare: E-eh? I don't eat that much like Big Sis

Leaf: Hehee, your cheeks are pretty. You know.

Flare: L-Leafy, they're not.

Leaf: *small pinch* Tehee, so soft.

Flare: *blushing* U-uhm…

Leaf: Hmm. To get your mind off the cake… Here.

She went infront of him

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