17. Home

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Chapter 17

After that run-in yesterday, I still kind of didn't forgive him yet. I mean the bracelet is nice and made me feel warm inside but I still had a grudge. That night I slept in the queen size bed instead. We're all packed to go home at the airport now. As I started to get onto the plane a strong hand grabbed my hand.

"What's wrong with you? Are you still mad abou-"

"Not here Alex," I said cutting him off.

I sat down in the seat across from Alex instead of beside him and looked out the window. This was gonna be a long flight.

As soon as we got off I wanted to go home. Alex wanted to keep explaining and yeah I understand that it wasn't his fault but I was still hurt and need time alone. He dropped me off, which I was thankful for. I walked into my house when my mom came up and hugged me.

"Did you have fun," she asked.

"Yeah, lots." I said unenthusiastic.

"Are you alright?"

I sighed. "Yeah, just tired. Can I go up to my room?" I asked.

"Of course. It must've been a long ride," she said.

"Very long," I said heading up the stairs.

When I got up to my room, I immediately hopped onto my bed. I decided to call Chloe and tell her about it.



"Oh hey Madelynn!" She shrieked into the phone.

"Well bust my eardrums why don't you."

"Sorry. So how was it?" she asked.

"Fine, until Brittany came."

"Brittany! Oh you've gotta tell me!"

"Meet you at your house at 4?"

"Definitely, can't wait."

"See ya soon, bye."


As soon as I hung up, I went to sleep since I had 2 hours to spare,


Today really feels like it's going by fast. The grudge, plane ride, and well I did sleep for AWHILE.

Once I was fully awake, I had told my mom I was going to Chloe's and left out the door, ready to tell Chloe all about it. Her house isn't too far from mine, but there was one problem about that house...

{ding dong}

"Who is it?" I heard a guy say.

"Madelynn, let me in loser."

"Hey, I thought we were on good terms?" Logan said while opening the front door.

"We are, but that's what I'm calling you," I said walking inside.

I heard him gruff behind me.

"Why are you here anyways sweet cakes? To see me?" He said winking at me.

"In your dreams, where's Chloe," I asked glaring at him.

"In her room," he said smirking at me.

"Thanks moron," I said and stuck my tongue out at him.

I ran up the stairs to Chloe's room, trying to get away from Logan.

"Chloe, you in here?" I asked entering her room.

Suddenly the door slammed in my face. Ouch...

"Tell me everything! I've been waiting forever," she says dragging me into her room.

"Thanks for the door hi five," I said rubbing my head.
"No proble- I mean sorry," she said smiling cheekily.

"Now spill it!" She yelled.

After I told her all of the details you should've seen her facial expression.

"Are you serious!" She yelled.

"Chloe, be quiet," Logan yelled upstairs.

"Okay. Are you serious," she whispered.

"You know you don't have to whisper right?" I asked laughing. "And yes I'm serious. I still haven't forgave him."

"Aww, your first big fight. *sniff sniff* Your growing so fast," she said sniffling.

"Oh shutup," I said to her laughing and smacked her arm.

"Ouchie, a new boo boo," she whined.

"Want me to kiss it?" asked her. But doing so only made me think of Alex, when we were at school.

We talked and Chloe tried cheer me up, resulting in her falling off the bed. We laughed for an hour or so before my stomach started to hurt.

"Well," she said. "I've gotta go to dance practice now. I don't wanna though," she said pouting. I looked at the clock which said 6:30. We walked down the stairs, said our farewells, and both left in different cars going in different directions. But what I saw when I got home was unbelievable...


Wow, that took awhile... sorry that it was short guys.


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