Epilouge (20)

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Chapter 20

Getting out of my car, I walked up to my apartment and opened the door to find Alex laying out on the couch with his football jersey on.

"Hey baby," he said patting the couch for me to sit on.

"Ugh," I huffed.

"What's wrong," he asked looking up at me questioningly.

I flopped down onto the couch beside him. "I got a B- on my medicine test," I whined to Alex.

He was rubbing my back while playing with my hair. "Mrs. Smith giving you a hard time?"

"Mhm," I said brushing my lips against his for a quick second before laying on the couch with him.

Where were we at? Well, of course you know we graduated high school, so think about it. Yup, you guessed it, were at Tennessee State University. Alex was here on his football scholarship and I took classes here to become a nurse. Yes a nurse, but the pediatrician type. I have a small weakness for kids and love to help people so I decided, 'hey, how about a nurse'.

"Wanna cuddle with me before the game," he asked tracing shapes on my hip.

"Sounds nice," I said ceasing the moment. "But I've gotta call my mom, I missed her call."

"Do it here with me," he said pouting.

I stared at him while he gave me them puppy dog eyes. "Okay," I said. "Real quick."

I picked up the phone and began to call her.

{ring ring}


"Heeeeeeey," we both yelled in unison.

"Oh my, you know my ear drums are aging on me," she huffed back.

"Hey mommy, I've missed you."

"I've missed you bunches," she half whined.

"How is it down there? How's dad."

"Eh, the usual. And your father is in Connecticut right now. He said he'll visit asap," she responded.

"That nice to know," I strangled out, trying to stop Alex from tickling my side.

"Yeah, it is-"

I interrupted her when I let out a huge squeal. "Eeeek," I screamed as Alex had my sides hurting.

"Honey, you okay?" She asked worried.

"Yeah, I've got to go ma. Me and Alex say bye, Love you," I hurried out.

"Bye-" I dropped my phone trying to pry Alex away, luckily not breaking. The funny thing is, I fell right after my phone did... Smart move.

"Alex! Now look at what you did," I laugh screamed at him.

"I'm sorry," he said picking it up and fixing it. "Better?"

I glared at him but took the phone.

"Cuddle please?" He said holding his arms out.

I stared into those evergreen eyes again. Man! "Fine," I said laying back into his arms.

We stayed like that for awhile until it was time for him to get his tail up for the game. He was doing great in football, 1 loss and 7 wins. His common sense is a whole nother story.

"I've got to get going baby, but make sure to save me a spot in the bed tonight. Last night you hogged it up," he said grabbing his car keys.

"Got it," I said and gave him a peck on the lips before he walked out the door.

I couldn't go to the game because I had to study for the test tomorrow but I'll see him tonight.


I was in the dinning room finishing up my diner when the door opened.

"Hey baby, I'm back," he said smiling. Usually after a game he bathes in the locker room showers before coming home.

"Hey, how'd it go?" I said putting my plate into the sink.

"Great, we won and I got you a bouquet of flowers for working hard," he said revealing handfuls of flowers.

They were beautiful, all of them. All of the color, assortment, and the smell, the smell.

"Thank you baby," I said giving him a tender kiss and putting the flowers into my spare vase.

"Wanna fall asleep while watching 'The Heat'?" He asked taking off his muscle top.

"That's perfectly fine with me," I said skipping to the room.

After more than half of the movie was over, I was beginning to dose off into wonderland. I turned my head that was on Alex's chest and looked at his side of the dresser.

I found the photo of myself looking in front of me in sheer surprise.

I smiled at the thought of that day.

"Now that's a keeper," he said.

"I love you Alex," I said just before falling into a peaceful sleep.


Well, that's the end. Hope you guys enjoyed this book and you my expect more books created by me. Just remember, I love you and and will miss you. Bye👋

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