18. Continued

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We walked down the stairs, said our farewells, and both left in different cars going in different directions. But what I saw when I came home was unbelievable...

Chapter 18

Standing right in front of my house was a trail of roses leading to my backyard and a sign that says "Dear Madelynn, please follow". I followed the trail and there were more signs as I followed.

Ever since I first met you,

I knew I had to have you.

And since you don't believe me,

I'm gonna have to show you.

I love you❤️From Alex


Smile? I thought. When I walked around the corner, I saw the most beautiful scene. Our first date scene.

Then I saw a camera flash. I turned to the left and saw something, or more like someone. Alex, I thought warmly.

He looked down at the photo and smiled. "Now that's a keeper," he said and looked back up at me.

"Hey Alex," I said feeling tears prick my eyes.

"Great to see you again baby," he said. That's when I broke down. I started crying, trying to wipe the tears away so I could see Alex. My Alex.

Suddenly I felt warm, strong arms wrap around me and pull me close. I cried in his arms as he comforted me until I couldn't cry anymore.

"Would you like to eat now?" He asked looking down at me. I just nodded my head, and we walked over to the table.

Instead of the waitress coming out of the woods like last time, my mother came out the patio door and gave us our food. Chicken Alfredo pasta, lemonade, and tea. My mom set them down but didn't make eye contact with me, she just smiled. Knowing me, I started to eat my food right away.

As we were eating, I looked up at Alex and said "Let me guess. You cooked this didn't you," I said smiling.

"Maybe," he said smirking, then continued to eat.

Throughout the dinner, we made small talk and jokes, which really lightened the tension. Though after dinner I thought it would be over... It wasn't.

After dinner, Alex led me further into my backyard where we found a large blanket laid out on the grass. I was amazed he remembered this. I bent down to sit in the blanket, making sure not to fall. Now that would be embarrassing. We laid there making small talk, watching the sunset, and watching as the tiny stars covered the sky as hours passed.

"Madelynn look," he said pointing towards the Northern star.

"Right there near that star is the Little Dipper. My mom used to tell me that I was the Big Dipper. She would say that every Big Dipper would find there Little Dipper. That's why they're separated, because they need to find each other to be together," he said gazing at the stars.

"Well, I think I've already found mine," he said look at me adoringly.


After looking at the stars, we walked up to near the house and stood there there for awhile, not knowing what to say.

"Well, I guess this is goodnight," I said looking at Alex.

"Nope, we forgot the last part of the date," he said with a smile.

"What running to get back hom-" I didn't finish my sentence before I felt Alex's lips land upon mine. He kissed me gently, like if he did something wrong I would break. Then he pulled away. It was a sweet yet simple kiss that left me wanting more.

"No, the sweet quick kiss befooore running," he said grinning like a idiot.

"You know I love you right," he asked, his grin fading away.

I looked straight in his eyes. "Yes," I said softly.

He laid his head against forehead on mine. "I love you and will always, forever."

Now I was the one ginning like a idiot. He lifted his head and stared at me for awhile.

"So now it's goodn-" I couldn't finish this sentence either before he pulled my hand and ran around the house to my front door.

"Nope, we had to hurry and drop you off home," he laughing.

"You really remembered everything didn't you," I asked.

"Of course. How could I not remember our first date," he said with a smile.

"Well goo-"

Out of no where, he pressed his lips gently against mine. He separated slowly, then began to walk away like he did the night of our first date.

"Goodnight." he said sweetly.

I rolled my eyes and smiled.



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Welp, I got this one done... You guys wanted an update so bad lol. Now say thank you vv we love you! Naw jk... the story is coming to an end so watch out, very sorry. I love you guys!❤️

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