1. Moving In

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❤️I hope you like this, and I LOVE feedback so feel free to tell me how you felt about it! ILY❤️


Madelynn POV

Ugh! Have you ever felt the pain of having to move to California? It's horrible! I had to leave Natalie back in Georgia, and now I'm alone. I've never liked moving.

"Mom, I miss my old town already. And I can't see Natalie anymore either!"

"You and Natalie can see each other for Christmas break, but for now help me move these boxes" Mom said.

Instead I look at my empty room. "Well I have some work to do".


After I finished unpacking, I made my bed and plopped onto it. I looked at my phone. 6:02. Its getting late. When I entered my room, the walls were already purple. I had rolled out a fluffy carpet and set up my queen sized bed. I had to beg for this bed when I was 16. I stuck those cool stickers on my walls that said things like 'live your life', 'yolo', etc. My mom had put my desk in my room already, so I put my laptop on it and charged it.

Sorry for not introducing myself. My name is Madelynn Rose Sterlings. I play basketball and used to cheer when I was little. I moved to California because my mom's job relocated her to the one here. Goodbye winter clothes. Oh, and Natalie is my best friend. We've been together since pre-k.


After we finished getting the house done, I walked around for awhile. Well, at least the place almost feels like home. All we need is a little details here and there and it'll be good. I was helping mom with the kitchen when the door bell rung. "I'll get it!" I said. When I open the door, I see these strangers on our front porch. Neighbors. 

"Welcome to the neighborhood!" They said, handing me some chicken casserole and smiling widely.

"Mom!" I yelled, "Visitors!"

Running down the hall she says "Thank you." I set the casserole on the table and stand beside my mom.

I look at the people and notice a guy about my age standing behind his parents. He was was tall with wavy brown hair and evergreen eyes. He was beautiful. I mean, not like girly beau- you know what I mean! He was staring back at me though, smirking.

"How nice to meet you." Mom said smiling.

"Hello, my name is Kristy. This is my husband, John, and my son, Alex." The lady said.

"Well my name is Sara, and this is my daughter, Madelynn." Mom said.

"We live right next door to you and saw a moving truck, so we decided to come by and say hello." Kristy said.

"Well we really appreciate it."

My mom elbowed me knocking me out of a daze and I said "Yes, thank you."

After a few minutes of chatting, they went back to their house next door while I went up to my room. I picked up my phone. Before I left, I promised Natalie I would call her.

{ring ring}


"Hey, Nat."

"How's your new place?"

I looked around. "Pretty big, it's nice. Guess what."


"My neighbor, he's... hot!"


"Caramel hair, beautiful emerald eyes, tall and fit."

"Well, looks like I'm moving. Introduce me to him?" she said laughing.

"Back off, he's mine." I giggled.

"Ok ok, I like it here anyways." she mumbled.

"You're hysterical."

Nutali go o bed.... I heard over the phone. "Sorry Maddie, I have to go to bed. Have fun."

"Thanks, night."


I hung up. Man I'll miss that chick. I walked over to my laptop and logged in. Checking my Facebook, I had 24 notifications, which I didn't feel like checking it right now. So I checked my news feed. Scrolling down, I looked at the new dress Natalie bought, Jordan's Jackson bought, and random pictures of Heather. After a while, I decided to log off. I went to my open window and saw that kid... um, Alex... on the phone. Well that's cool, we can see each other. Suddenly turned his head my way. Crap! I looked away, acting like I was looking for something. I heard a window raise.

"Hey, were you looking at me?"

Crap, crap, crap! "Uh, no. I was looking for..." I grabbed what was closest to me, "this." I said.

He laughed. "A pad?"

Snapping my head to what was in my hand, it was a pad. I haven't set up my bathroom yet... I blushed. "Maybe."

"Ok, see you tomorrow."


"Yeah, school."

I groaned. "See ya." I snapped my window back down. I walked over and sat on my bed. Well that was a great first impression.

"Madelynn!" Mom called. "Would you like some dinner? Tonight is chicken casserole!"

"No!" I yelled. "I'm not hungry."

"Ok then, goodnight."


I walked over to my dresser and grabbed my pj's. My hello kitty shorts and my black tank top was my favorite. After I finished dressing, I walked over to my bed again and got in. As I drifted off to sleep, I dreamt about tomorrow. School. Ugh!


Please don't judge about my writing skills. This is my first book and I can't wait to write more for you guys. Please don't stop reading here... read the next chapters :) I hope you'll enjoy them.

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