Chapter 13- First Day at U.A.|| Pt. 1

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"Okay. It took eight seconds before you were quiet. Time is limited. You kids are not rational enough." - Shota Aizawa

(Reader P.O.V)

I sat silently in the living room, fully dressed in U.A's female uniform. In my palms laid the sleek disc from U.A. I replayed the disc repeatedly since it arrived a few weeks ago. Dad beamed proudly in the recorded video.

"Young Yagi, you have been accepted into the Hero Course of U.A.! I know that I'm not supposed to say this, but I'm so proud of you!"

"It's true, you know. I expect nothing less from you."

I felt a boney hand slightly collide with my plush shoulder. This action prompted me to shift to look at dad. I smiled softly up at the heroic man, who wore the same contagious smile from the video.

"I know, but what if it's because I'm your daughter. I mean, I know I got the required points, but still. It feels predetermined."

The look of sheer shock flickered in his cerulean eyes, instantly making me regret voicing my concerns. It always seemed like dad expected me to have unwavering confidence in myself and my abilities. Seeing the doubt always surprised him. In his eyes, I was absolutely perfect, and it pained him to see me believe otherwise.

"I was there that day, you know? I saw what you did for that boy. You were so brave. I wish you could see yourself the way I see you. If you did, you wouldn't even have to wonder why I'm so proud."

I shook my head softly and let out a faint chuckle.

"I hesitated... what hero does that? I don't even deserve the title. I, I wish I was like you, dad. You're so brave and str-"

He raised a silencing hand and shook his head at my words. An almost inaudible sigh left his thin lips. He sat beside me and held my hand in his, making sure I was looking at him.

"Y/N, listen to me when I say this. Regardless of that, you still saved his life. If you guilt yourself for every little action, you'll never appreciate yourself. Instead of thinking of all your not, think of all you are. Plus," he smiled at me, "I could not be prouder of who you have grown to be after all these years. You're you, and that's enough for me. I hope one day that's enough for you too."

I couldn't help but tear up at his words. They were innocent and heartfelt, never have I received such kind words from someone. After noticing my tear-filled eyes and the small hiccups that escaped my parted lips, he embraced me tenderly. He rubbed small circles on my back to soothe me.

"Thanks, dad, I- I really needed to hear that today. More than you will ever know."

He patted my back and laid his head on top of mine in response.

"Take all the time you need, kiddo. School can wait."

~Time Skip~

"Woah, it's huge, Y/N - Chan."

"That's what she said."


The freckled boy jumped at my crude joke, hands raised to his ears to protect himself from the impureness of my statement.

"I'm sorry, Izu, but it had to be said. If you went to a normal high school, you would already be corrupt."

I mumbled the last statement under my breath, but there didn't seem to be any reason considering the scene that unfolded before me. The now beet red face boy stared shyly at Uraraka. She had just saved him from a face full of concrete.

"T-thank you!"

He bowed repeatedly at the bubbly girl in front of him. She merely laughed at his rather odd actions and waved her hand to cancel his movements.

'Young love, so sweet.'

I let them continue to talk while I advanced towards the towering building in front of me. Surprisingly, no one approached me and asked me about the life of being All Might's daughter. However, this would have almost been better. I caught the stares of many people eyeing my plush form in my uniform. It fit comfortably but still showed my rolls slightly in the fabric.

'Oh god, I do not need to start crying right now. Ok, luckily, humor is my coping/defense mechanism. It's probably because they never saw a meal before.'

My jokey inner monologue eased my worries and allowed me to continue to walk straight, seemingly unbothered. My disposition remained solid up until I arrived at the entrance of my classroom. Izu practically materialized out of thin air beside me. I shook it off and figured it was anime logic. We both gazed at the door, neither one of us making a move to open it.

"So, after you?"

I approached Izu with the question, hoping that he would open the door for both of us. I heard him swallow rather loudly before nodding in my direction. I felt bad seeing the unsureness in his eyes and remembered my previous statement, my promise.

'I promise that I'll always stick by your side. From today onwards, I'll never let you be my shield again.'

The statement echoed in my mind, prompting me to reach for the door instead.

"On second thought, I'll do it."

The emerald hair boy gaped at me with shocked orbs, but they almost instantly softened into their usual kind gaze.

"Let's do it together, Y/N - Chan!"

He put his soft hand on top of mine and smiled reassuringly. I couldn't help but crack a smirk.

"That's what she said!"

Before the boy could yell in disgust at my words, I pushed the door open. The lively room quieted instantly once the sound of the opening door entered their ears. I looked at all the familiar faces and watched as their eyes flickered with surprise.

"Is that All Might's daughter, Tagi Y/N!"

The room instantly returned to the previous loudness as a crowd of students approached us, eager to meet me. I remained still as the group of students practically ran towards us.

'Well, I guess this is my life now. Fuck.'


Hey, long time no see! Honestly, I don't really have an excuse, but procrastination. Sorry! Anyway, how did you guys like the chapter? I try to have the reader have actual relationships with the cast and show true insecurities. For example, not thinking you're good enough and feeling insecure about your appearance. Don't worry, the reader will eventually find her confidence and self-love! This is getting long so, have a good day/night and I love you all very much! ~ Fandom

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