Chapter Twenty Eight • To Skall's Bridge

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*Warning: Gore - Swearing* 


"Hold on!" Christian growled from behind with his right hand clenching down at the base of Williams neck, just where his right shoulder started. Christian's tone perfectly conveyed that his patience had been lost long ago and that he was on the brink of an outburst of anger. 

"Let go of me." William snarled, trying to rise up from the tree stump he had been pushed down upon in the middle of the woods. 

They had retreated. Failed

Jade was still missing and he was being forced to sit on his arse with a bloody arrow sticking out of him. Frustration rose within him and an uncontrollable urge to go after Jade overtook him. He rose again but was violently forced back down by Christian. 

"Sit - the bloody fuck - still!" Christian barked and squeezed on William's shoulder, this time deliberately causing him pain in an attempt to try to make him sit still for longer than a minute. 

A dark, roar burst from William when the pain throbbed and burned in his shoulder, spreading like wildfire throughout his torso, arms and then further out in his limbs. 

The pain had caught up with him after the rush of battle and all of the blood lust had subsided. Robert had practically pulled him away from the battle but William had felt nothing from the arrow in his shoulder then. Now, his entire body was throbbing in pain. He had been forced down upon a rotten stump of an old tree and was expected to sit still as Erik and Robert stood close with lit torches as Christian tried to get the arrow out of his swollen and bleeding flesh. 

"For fuck's sake!" He growled, jaws clenched, teeth grinding and eyes shut hard as Christian grabbed the shaft and wiggled it to see which direction would cause William the least damage when pulling it out. "Just. Get. It. Out!" His breathed, jaws clenched. He ground his teeth, feeling the shaft of the arrow move with every little movement Christian made. Not to mention whenever William himself tensed up and the muscles in his shoulder screamed at him.

"I am fucking trying to!" Christan barked back and went to work again. William jerked violently from pain and the corners of his vision turned into a black mist as Christian kept touching and turning the arrow. 

"What the bloody fuck are you trying to do? Torture me to death?" William shouted in anger and swallowed, sweat was running down his forehead, some drops ran past his eyebrows and into his eyes, burning them.

"Sit still!" Christian grunted from behind him. Trying to remove the arrow buried in William's shoulder. "And shut up - I can't see anything in this bloody mess." 

William felt warm blood seep from the wound, then Robert suddenly appeared in front of him. Erik holding both of the torches now.

Robert grabbed William at his shoulders, trying to help Christian in his endeavor to remove the arrow. Robert's bear paws for hands locked him into a fixed position for about five seconds. 

"Alright." Christian let out a sigh. "I think I know how-" He began. 

"Just fucking pull it out!" William roared, looking back over his shoulder. 

I have a man to kill and a queen to find... and my child.

"Calm down, Will." Robert's voice rumbled in front of him. It reverberated within his chest. 

William felt Christian grip the arrow by what was still outside of him and he let out a roar as the agonizing pain crushed into him like fierce waves. When one subsided, another just took its place. More beads of sweat rushed down his forehead in mere seconds and trickled off his chin as he tried to cope with the pain. 

Hunted QueenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz