Chapter Sixty • Bloodshed

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Hi everyone! I am sorry for not being able to publish the second chapter last week. I rewrote it into this one and made it extra long as a thank you for your patience. 


As per usual, if you see any errors - let me know. Love you! 


"My queen." Master Bergen call after her as she entered the great hall with Brother Richard in tow. The voice carried a different tone than his usual one; the one dripping with contempt. This one was different

Jade stopped in her step after having noticed that her husband's advisor had something very urgent to tell her. Something which needed her immediate and undivided attention. Her eyes quickly found him, coming from the direction of William's study where his council met. She studied the pace of his steps, how he carried himself and his appearance, in an attempt to evaluate how dire the situation was. 

The usually stern face donned a concerned expression, true concern, something very uncommon in Jade's experience of Master Bergen. It caught her off guard and she forgot the words to whatever snappy comeback she had on the tip of her tongue. Whenever the royal advisor appeared concerned, it was usually feigned in order to manipulate whoever it was aimed at. But not now... and it sent a chill down her back, making her skin cold all over for a second before it was washed over with a hot wave of numbing fear.

Something is wrong. 

 She could easily see that something was wrong and therefore kept her distaste for the man buried deep inside as she opened her mouth to address him and the reason for his presence. Whatever it was, she had gotten a very bad feeling that it was going to be something troubling. Was it it news from the front? 

"Yes, Master Bergen?" She answered,  stopping calmly as the words left her. Trying to look the exact opposite of what her body was putting her through. With nothing more than a look, she granted him permission to approach her. Brother Richard remained to her right, standing one step behind her, keeping himself out of her duties as queen. 

"It concerns the guards, you grace..." Master Bergen began as he made his way over to her with hastened steps "... they have informed me that the crowd outside the gate is growing bigger." He informed her and gave the direction of the gate's a simple wave with this right hand. "I think we can ignore them no longer." He added, referring to the people. "I fear what will happen if we do."

Alright... not news from the front. Jade thought and blinked slowly in relief. She inhaled deeply and clasped her hands in front of herself. Letting them embrace her belly softly. 

"I trust they were informed that they have not been ignored?" Jade asked him. Her heart started pounding from the sudden fear of being hated like her precursor. She might not know how to be queen... but she knew what made a bad one. At least the type she did not want or intended to be. 

They cannot be allowed to think that I will rule like Eleonora did. I will not let them. I will different. Not unbothered and uninterested. I will take care of my people and meet them face to face. I just need to learn how...

"Without a fail." Master Bergen assured her. She let out the breath she had been holding without letting it show. "The guards have done exactly as they were instructed and has informed me that the ones at the gates were told that you needed your rest and would call on them once you are ready." 

"Good." She answered him and nodded, pleased over what she heard. "Can you arrange an audience? Now?" She asked and met his gaze. 

Master Bergen blinked thrice in surprise. His face now blank instead of concerned. "Now? Today?" He gasped in disbelief. Jade gave him a determined nod in response. "My grace... Your governess has strongly advised against-" 

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