Chapter Eleven • What the Heart Wants

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He studied his friends quietly. They had listened intently while he had told them all about what had happened from the first time he saw Jade, and to where they were now. 

Now and then, they had asked questions but his answers never seemed to sate their curiosity. It only seemed to spark additional questions. Delaying the story constantly.

"I still cannot believe that you are married." Christian sighed, somewhat in awe. Afterwards a smile made its way onto his lips. William was a bit puzzled about his friend's inability to grasp that he was married. He had told them much more 'shocking' things. However, the part of him being married was the only fact his friend was able to focus on.

"I cannot believe your mother tried to have her assassinated." Robert growled with his jaws clenched. He drank a large gulp of his ale. A drop spilled and ran from the corner of his mouth and down his chin. "She never did anything wrong. You were the one who dragged her into all of it." William raised his eyebrows but said nothing. He already knew this. Far too well. Those had been Jade's exact words as well. The image of her outburst at dinner - when she had lashed out against his mother, telling her that William was the sole one to blame for their unhappiness - flashed before him.

"Give him a break." Christian snapped at Robert and hit his upper arm with the back of his hand. "He gave her the time she needed to come around, and from what he told us; he was not going to force her to marry him." He shrugged his shoulders.

"No but the girl thought so." Robert muttered and shot William a discontent look. He was happy for William, it was not that. However, Robert had three sisters... so he could probably see things from Jade's perspective as well. It was astounding that the brute who loved a good fight and did not shy away from blood and fists had a softer side. 

William felt an aching pain spread through his body as he was tortured by the memory of how he had approached and handled Jade in the beginning, and what it had done to her. He had been so selfish, but he had been so sure. He had not even thought of how it would be for her. No matter how much it pained him on the inside, he did not let it show. He kept his guilt well hidden. 

"What if she had said no?" Robert suddenly asked, sounding like he was challenging William. Their eyes met, William pushed the excruciating thought of that actually being a possible outcome of his so called courtship. He failed and the pain he never wanted to experience in real life, spread through him. Causing him more discomfort and pain than the guilt over what he had done to Jade. It felt as if his veins shrunk, leaving his ligaments and limbs feeling weary and stiff, heavy and very hard to move. His stomach churned.

If Jade had not agreed to become mine, then I would not have anything to keep me grounded. I would have become the worst type of... He stopped himself from thinking of what kind of leader he would have become. A terrible one for sure, probably not so understanding, cruel and even more selfish. Cold.

"If she had refused to marry me... I would have taken her back to her home." William answered quietly and stirred his ale. 

"Really? And then what?" Robert pushed him. "I was not aware that our previous prince could handle any form of rejection."

"If Jade would have kicked and screamed all the way to the altar... Then I would never have been able to marry her. I would never do that to her." He mumbled. "Afterwards, my parents would have been devastated when I would have to have told them that there would be no heirs to take my place."

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