Chapter Thirty Six • A Journey So Long

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Warning: This chapter contains foul and derogatory language, and gore. 
Read on your own volition. 


"What will you do... when all of this is over?" Jade asked Brother Richard, stepping over roots and rocks in the middle of the murky woods. It had become increasingly harder to see where she walked since the sun had set and its light rapidly disappearing with it. Soon it would be impossible to see anything at all. 

The monk had been talkative as usual during the day but was now unnervingly quiet. Which she understood as his way of handling this whole ordeal. As soon as dusk had fallen they had both resorted to silence when they needed to direct their full attention to walking without falling and stumbling. 

I never thought I would admit it, but I miss his relentless questions... Jade thought to herself.

Her skin became pricked as that of a plucked goose when she realized that her current situation was eerily similar to the time she had been fleeing through pitch black woods. Unease and panic rose in her chest as it reminded her whole being of the torment of being hunted and never able to rest. So, she needed to fill the silence with whatever question had come first to mind. She needed the monk distract her. 

 "Can you return to the priory?" She added while barely managing to see where she was to place her next step. 

Being enveloped by the darkness of night like this truly tested ones reflexes and senses. They had decided against bringing torches. Using torches for light and guidance would not only make it easier for them to see and find their way, torches would also make it much easier for their pursuers to find them. So, they walked in in total darkness. The only method she had to measure how far away her companion was from her, was to listen for his heavy breathing and steps, trying to determine where in the night he was. 

The monk cleared his throat, preparing to answer her. From the sound of it she guessed he was merely two to three steps away from her.

"Why would I not be able to return?" Brother Richard asked in return, sounding equally engaged with trying to stay upright as she was. His tone revealed that he had not wondered about this particular thing. Neither did he sound troubled about it at all. 

Jade stayed quiet as she navigated her own path before she spoke again. "I am just worried about what will happen once they get inside..." She answered. "... and what they will do once they find out that we are no longer there." 

When they got inside. She corrected herself. Ulf had probably already stormed the priory by now and was wreaking havoc within it to find her. 

"Please elaborate, your grace. What are you concerned about? There is no one there to be hurt by those men." 

What if he tears it all to the ground? She shuddered at the thought, it was a shiver that shot down her spine and spread its thin claws throughout her veins. No, he would not have the time if he wants to find me before the distance between us grows too vast. This realization spread calmness through her. He might destroy something, but not all of it

"No, I know that no one will get hurt." She answered, feeling relieved that every last monk had left as well. Leaving no one for Ulf to torture or kill. "I just... I fear for your home. It is a safe haven which provided me shelter and protection from those after me." She began. "I also fear for your books and-" 

"You fear for the scriptures and belongings to servants of a God you do not believe in?" The monk asked in a chuckle. 

Jade almost froze in her step. Had he noticed how reluctant she was to speak about his God or agree with him whenever he mentioned it? Did the monk know she did not believe in his God? Was this something that irked the monk? A discouraging feeling knotted in her stomach as her thoughts raced off. For a second it felt as if he had heard every internal condescending snark she had kept to herself about his God whenever he had given his deity praise for every good thing that had ever happened to her. 

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