Chapter Fifty One • New Hope

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This chapter is a little shorter than I'd liked! However there will be an extra chapter this week! How long that will be I have not yet decided but it will most likely be longer than this one! 


"We should send out some men to recruit more soldiers." Christian leaned back in his chair as he spoke. "That is one way of getting more blades quicker than our fathers' and allies' men can  get here."

The war-council had not left William's tent despite spending over two hours of discussions. The only things they had agreed upon was the need for more men, and that they needed to wait for reinforcement before they could set any plan of killing off Rowan's men into motion. These plans had been reluctantly put aside to discuss the matter of man power instead.

"Where would you find these soldiers?" Erik snorted at the suggestion. "All of the soldiers worth sending for are either; already on their way here" he held up his right thumb, "or ordered to stand guard so fortifications are prepared." His index finger followed the thumb. "There are no more soldiers to call to arms." He stated and threw his hands out slowly. Wordlessly praising Christian for an, in his opinion, idiotic proposition. 

Christian's eyes looked like they could incinerate Erik. "We need more men." He adjusted his statement through clenched jaws. "They do not have to be soldiers... they just need to be able to fight. We need every blade and shield we can find if Rowan continue to wear us down like he has since this bloody war started." 

William found his father's gaze the very second Christian's words left him. His father appeared as intrigued as William. With a single nod they agreed that it was not a bad idea. 

"It was most likely how Rowan managed to procure such a vast number of men." His father said, talking over the others who continued bickering, but speaking only to William. 

"He enlisted boys." William argued, agreeing with his father in tone. His father rubbed his chin in thought. "But yes... I wonder how many of his men were soldiers before they came here." 

"How about the men you left at Eldhen?" His father queried, temporary leaving the subject of Rowan. "Can you not send for them as well?"

William's eyes had wandered slightly, deep in thought, but shot back to his father in response. "Those are there to keep Ja-" 

"I know." His father stopped him, holding his hand up. Signaling that he was not done speaking. "I am well aware why they are there... but she is not." He continued. "Not that we know of at least." 

William leaned his head back a little while understanding that his father was right. Realizing that he had well-trained and useful men up north. Trained to perfection and ordered to protect their queen with their lives. A queen they had not seen for months. 

I have men up north that could be more useful in the war. Now they are just patrolling the walls and streets. But what if Loren and Jade manages to make their way home? What if she gets there and I have drained the castle of guards? No. I cannot take them all. 

"Yes..." He agreed, slowly tapping the knuckles of his right fist against the table thrice. Making sure that his mind did not race off with him at the thought of his hunted queen. His pregnant queen. "You are right." The others had stopped talking now, hearing that a more productive conversation was being held among them. 

"We are not discussing recruiting children like that mad man? Are we?" Robert interjected when he seemed to pick up on where their conversation was heading. "If so-"

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