Chapter Thirty • A Bounty and Gold

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Welcome back darlings! I hope you all had a safe and happy New Year! 

I hope you'll like this chapter! It reaches you - sadly as always - too late for my liking! But here it is and your are getting a new POV this time! Enjoy! 

As always, if you see any errors, please let me know! 

Warning! Foul language! 

*Very Long Chapter*


Loren rushed Jade back to the room while leaving Stroem in the inn's common room where they had been eating. 

"Our plates." Jade whispered when Loren had just closed the door behind them. "If Stroem is sitting by our table..." 

"That man could easily eat those servings on his own." Loren assured her as he made a quick search of the room to see if there was something of Jade's that they needed to bring with them. Then he realized the state he'd found her in... There was nothing of hers but the clothes on her back. "As long as those men doesn't come looking for you here, we should be alright." He stated and looked at her.

The worried frown on his queen's face didn't fade. It stayed right where it was. "You don't think the innkeeper will say anything?" She whispered.

"About what? About us?" He asked, shaking his head as soon as the words passed his lips. "No, we paid him thrice of what he was asking for. He won't give us up that easy." 

"What if Stroem isn't at our table..." Jade continued, ignoring his most recent attempt to comfort her. She inhaled nervously. "Don't you think the staff will comment on the practically untouched plates?" She wondered. "Elizabeth certainly would have." 

"Not everyone is as easily offended or prickly as my mother when it comes to their cooking and whether or not someone eats it." Loren snorted but instantly regretted his words. "Bless her." He added. One truly shouldn't speak ill of the woman who raised you - and a prince - all on her lonesome. If he ever saw his mother again, and got to eat her cooking, he would consider himself lucky. 

Jade nodded once in acceptance of his comment before pressing her ear to the door. 


The big one entered first. He had his head bowed somewhat and one shoulder slightly folded forward since the whole width and height of him didn't seem to be able to enter if he stood straight. 

Aye, a prayer to the poor woman who birthed him. He thought to himself and gave Loren's tankard of ale a swig before he brought it to his lips. 

"We are looking for a girl." The brute's voice boomed throughout the room. "Gold will be offered to those who can point us to where she might have gone." His eyes swept the entire room as he spoke. Stroem almost stopped mid sip as he briefly met the bull of a man's stare. But his eyes merely glanced over him before continuing to the next.  

He doesn't recognize me, then. Good. We might have a chance of making out of here after all... 

"Might need some more information about this lass you're searching for." A voice called out, sounding more than intrigued and cooperative at the promise of gold. When he had gained the man named Ulf's attention he continued. "What does she look like?" He asked, gesturing with his hands for details. "Is she traveling alone? What is she to you and your... friends?" He continued and gave Ulf's men a suspicious glance. There were over a score of them and his blood froze at the thought of fighting them. Two against that number was enough to make a man piss himself.

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