Chapter Eight • An Heir

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*Very Long Chapter*


"What did he say?" Elizabeth asked, barely being able to hide the excitement in her voice. 

"I did not tell him." Jade mumbled and lowered her gaze while Elizabeth combed her hair. She stopped abruptly. There was no need for Jade did to look up to know that her governess was confused and upset. Her governess' sudden change of mood hung thick in the air.

"Why not?" Elizabeth asked holding in a sigh. Just like she had been unable to hide her excitement a moment ago, she could not hide the disappointment in her voice now. "I thought-"

"I could not tell him." Jade replied with guilt in her heart, her voice trembling as she spoke. Elizabeth let go of her hair, put the brush away and grabbed Jade by her upper arms. She gave them a tight comforting squeeze which made Jade feel better, but only for as long as it lasted. As soon as it was over, the soothing feeling escaped her. Elizabeth sat down on her knees to the right side of Jade and grabbed her hand. She gave it a affectionate squeeze as well, urging Jade to look at her. 

"Come now, dear." She cooed. "Why did you not tell him that he is going to be a father?" Jade moistened her lips and inhaled. "Are you scared that he does not want it?" 

No... or... what do I know... Jade thought while avoiding Elizabeth's curious gaze. A third squeeze woke her from her thoughts. When she met Elizabeth's eyes again, her head was tilted somewhat and her eyes were soft. Still waiting for an answer... 

"I do not know..." Jade mumbled and crossed her arms, uncomfortable by a situation she had created herself. "It is too late now so..." 

"Oh, hush you! That is not the Jade I have come to know!" Elizabeth huffed dismissively and quickly rose her feet again. A swift slap hit Jade on her shoulder. She looked up; Elizabeth had her hands on her hips and a troubled gaze in her eyes. Her posture was meant to display that she was disgruntled, but her eyes conveyed that she was worried. "Why did you not tell him?" 

"First of all, I am not even sure-" Elizabeth cleared her throat, forcing Jade to start over and not come up with feeble excuses like the one she was just about to utter. Jade rolled her eyes in defeat and got up. "I was going to tell him..." She walked over to where William had been standing earlier that morning. Elizabeth stayed put by the bed.Jade studied the gardens through the window. She rummaged her mind for an answer that Elizabeth would accept. "... then he told me that he was leaving and I..." 

"You what, dear?" Elizabeth asked gently. 

"I was scared he would worry. I still am." Jade mumbled, looking down. 

Do not look down, Jade. She heard William's voice in her head and instinctively raised her gaze again. 

"He has been so tired, Liz. The war is taking its toll on him, and he just left to fight it." She continued. "He told me that he worries about me. Me, Liz!" Jade exclaimed in frustration and threw her arms out in front of her. Elizabeth came closer but did not speak. She clasped her hands and waited for Jade to continue. "Why on earth would he worry about me? He is the one riding into battle!" Jade went on as Elizabeth slowly came closer. 

"Jade..." Elizabeth cooed. Jade looked at her when it sounded like the woman had a smile on her lips, which she did. "It is perfectly normal for you to worry about him, but he still needs to know about the baby." 

"I know." Jade answered. "But what if telling him will distract him and ending with him getting hurt? Or worse, killed?" 

"I have seen that boy train all his life." Elizabeth chuckled and stopped two steps from Jade. "He almost killed-" 

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