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hi everyone! welcome to 'Trusting You' and thank you so much for trying this book. i hope this book isn't too bad, but i'm going to get into a lot of things right now.


•Mature Language
•Semi-Mature Scenes

those topics above will be included in this story. so, if any of these trigger you please let me know! i will put TW on top of the chapter if it has it of course, but if something is in the story that triggers you please don't be afraid to tell me. i would like to fix it! thank you <3



this book does include cheating, if the cheating trope is something you don't enjoy then this book is not for you!

there will not be detailed smut, i will include what they do of course but it will not be detailed. if you do like detailed smut then maybe this book is something you won't like.

the characters in this book will talk very openly about sex. they don't really have any shame in it because they're grown. little cover up words like 'down there' and 'his thing' won't be used. it will be straight up.

my book will have one LQBTQ+ character! i would not like it if anyone had anything bad to say about him. if there are any homophobic or hate comments i will be deleting the comment and blocking you immediately! this goes for all characters as well, yes you can get angry and put comments of how angry you are because at points i will not like my characters too, but nothing too extreme! you have to remember i wrote these characters, so it hurts me to see hate comments.

so finally if you don't like any of these things then maybe you should just stop reading right now. or don't! maybe try something new and my book will be the start of that.

this is my second try at a book, so it's not going to be the best, but i will try! if you have any tips or small comments you'd like to say please dm me or comment, thank you!

that's it for this, so i really hope you guys enjoy this book! have a good day <3


Trusting YouOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora