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☻ Oaklee ☻

My heart dropped. I could actually feel my heart plummet into my toes, it caused the samne feeling as going down on a roller coaster when the seatbelt doesn't feel tight enough. If I thought seeing Reece was bad, seeing Ashley made me want to huddle in a corner and cry as I fell back into a self deprecating and loathing episode. My confident, bad-ass, self that I've had for the past few months flew out the window. I'm back to my quiet, fragile self. Seeing the girl that ruined everything, the girl that I "lost" to, hurts more than I ever thought possible.

I hadn't run into them together since the party happened, but I could have never been prepared for the emotions running through me. I guess I zoned out because I was brought back when Avery started snapping in my face.

After my eyes focused I was able to take in the scene in front of me, Avery looked like she wanted to slap someone, which I wouldn't be surprised if thats how this ended, and Reece looked both annoyed and slightly shocked. After surveying the looks on their faces I finally looked over at Ashley, and let me tell you I wish I hadn't. Her red lips were pulled into a wide smirk that screamed, "Yeah, bitch, I win."

I just know that she was comparing my situation to hers.

In everyone's eyes at our highschool she won, she got the hot guy to leave his girlfriend for her, and yes in a way she won, but that doesn't mean she's still winning. In highschool I was a different person, I wasn't as outgoing or self reliant. I wasn't as happy either- life isn't perfect, but she's the one still walking around with a cheating asshole that leaves when something shiny comes along.

I, however, have a fantastic friend and a job I love. I'm also very close to finishing my degree early. So yes, she may have won, but I'm the one winning now. Though in her immature mind she might still think she's the best thing ever just because she has a boy. And with that mindset I steeled my expression, turned back to Ashley, and continued with my conversation.

"No stop, don't worry about it. Neither of them matter and unless they bring their shit over here I dont want to deal with it." I gave her a small smile and went back to finishing my food.

Avery had a shocked look on her face but I just replied with a look and motioned to her food. We both continued eating until our stomachs were full. Just as Avery slouched in her chair, obviously overly full, Lacey came back and asked if we were ready for our check. We nodded our heads and she disappeared again.

Just as I was about to start up a new conversation, the obnoxious sound of Ashleys six inch heels grew louder as she walked towards us. I was hoping she would continue her walk all the way off a pier- or more realistically to the bathroom- but luck was not on my side and she stopped right in front of our table.

"So, Oaklee, how ya doing?" Ashley said as she slid into the booth right next to me, a fucking evil smile on her face. Her fake ass shoves me so I slide over in the booth to make room for her. I had to fight the urge to shove her off because she hadn't done anything yet, but trust me the first thing she does that pisses me off will result in her flying right onto the floor.

"Well we were fine until you walked your uninvited ass over here." Avery sneered at her. I subtly smiled at the look Ashley had, it was obvious she wasn't used to the hostility, but it's also obvious she had never had a conversation with Avery.

"Excuse me, who the hell are you anyway?" Damn, what a witty reply, que eye roll. What are we, a high school drama movie?

"I'm the best friend and the one that will beat your skinny ass if you don't get your flat ass up and leave." Avery was getting annoyed and I was just ready for Ashley to go back to hell where she crawled out of.

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