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☻ Oaklee ☻

I woke up around 11:30 which surprised me. I decided that instead of getting up and ready for the day immediately, I'll just stay in bed until my alarm goes off. In the 30 minutes I had, I went on my phone and looked at my socials for a while and planned on reading for a bit, when I realized I should probably feed Nia.

I looked around to greet my favorite puppy when I noticed she wasn't there, so she was probably playing with her toys somewhere in the living room. I got off my bed and let my feet touch the cold floor. I walked over to my dresser and grabbed a random pair of socks and slipped them on my feet.

I don't think I could ever be one of those people that walk around without socks. It's too fucking cold for that.

Heading to the kitchen, I saw that Nia was nibbling on a green chew toy in the living room like I assumed.

Her head perked up when she heard my footsteps, she jumped off of my gray couch and ran to my feet. I crouched down with a smile and scratched behind her ears, a certain spot I know she loves, and stood up again.

I walked over to the kitchen and opened my white cabinets under the sink, and grabbed her food. After that I went to my top cabinets and grabbed a treat for her. With the food under my armpit, I called out Nia's name. "Nia! Come here." Soon I heard her light footsteps and her panting.

"Sit..good girl!" I praise her when she obeys. I drop the treat in front of her and she devours it.

While she finishes her treat, I fill up her bowl. My dog sure can eat. She practically steals all my money from how much I spoil her. I don't care though, she's my child.

When I finish putting the dog food away, I grab a mug and start my coffee machine. While that gets ready, I decide to brush my teeth. I switch the light on and look at my reflection. Ha, not too bad. I splash water in my face then wash it. Then I open my cabinet and grab my blue toothbrush out and start brushing my teeth. When I finished that I quickly ran down stairs to finish making my much awaited cup of coffee.

Just as I finish adding my regular sugar and cream to the coffee I hear my alarm go off, signaling it's time to get ready to leave. I stall for a few more minutes, just enjoying my coffee, before I bound back up the steps to my closet. I stare at all of my clothes debating whether to wear something simple and comfortable or something more presentable to the public. I decided that since it's already almost lunch I should probably wear something cute so I reach for my ripped, light blue skinny jeans and throw them on. After I button those I grabbed a simple black, form fitting tank top that I rarely wear and threw that on.

I looked in the mirror to examine it before deciding to run back to my closet and grab a cute and slightly oversized olive green knitted sweater, then I noticed my black ankle boots and decided to throw those on as well.

After nodding at myself in the mirror I checked the time and realized that it took about twenty minutes, so I had about ten to do my hair. I went to my bathroom and stared at myself for a minute trying to figure out how to fix the rats nest sitting atop my head. I decided to go for a classic so after digging in my drawer for longer than I'd care to admit I finally pulled out two small black clips. I grabbed a small section of hair on one side of my head and clipped it back, then I repeated the process on the other side.

When I had finally clipped the sections back I adjusted them to make sure they were even and then nodded at myself in the mirror. I checked my phone one last time and noticed I had just enough time to get to the Cafe a bit early and grab a booth.

I grabbed all of my necessary items- phone, wallet, and keys, etc- and ran down the stairs. I stopped to pet Nia one last time and let her out then I hopped in my car and started the quick drive to Cupid's Cafe.

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