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☻ Oaklee ☻

My phone reads 12:28 am. It's so late, yet I have the energy of a kid high on sugar, apparently so does Roman.

After our little confession on the couch, we decided to keep talking about literally everything possible. We still are an hour later.

I found out that he now also has his own place. It's a small little house that he said only has one of everything. A room, bathroom, living room, and everything else any house would have. He got it almost two months ago now, but the money his parents and family gave him from graduation is slowly running out, so that's why he got the job at the library.

Apparently Reece did it because he wants his own place as well, plus some extra cash.

"So what's with this new you?" I question him, "Dark hair, dark appearance, little depressing don't you think?" I mean, not trying to be bitchy, but I just wanna know what happened the Roman I grew up with.

He looks at me, then down at his hands in his lap, playing with his fingers. "Well the dark hair was actually something I had been wanting to do for like a really long time. I was actually going to do it the night before graduation and surprise you guys," he flashes me a mischievous smile that I missed seeing. "But then, you know, everything happened with you guys and I just forgot about it. I still did it, like maybe two weeks after graduating?"

This didn't shock me, I kind of thought he would've done something like that. He always talked about getting tattoos and piercings, his parents were always just the ones to talk him out of its

"So why so depressed now Rome?" I asked with genuine curiosity.

I feel like people would say he just grew up, but growing up doesn't make anyone all closed off and sad, especially in 3 months.

"I wouldn't say I'm depressed. I think I just became a little sadder?" His shoulders slumped down, his fingers picking at his jeans now. "My parents divorced. I think it's been almost four months."

Now this shocked me. I mean I didn't know his dad too well, or at least as well as I knew his mom, Angela, but a divorce? Guess no one ever really knows what happens behind closed doors.

"Four months? Rome, that was when we graduated basically. They were together that day, I remember hugging them both." I tell him, my mind trying to collect the memory of that day.

"I know," He nods, "I didn't tell you guys because it was our last month of high school. I didn't want to ruin it by making you guys feel sorry for my family and I. Plus with all the fun shit we were doing in that month, you guys distracted me, so I didn't really show the sadness, since I didn't feel it when I was with you guys." He explains, his voice soft.

"Yeah, but we could've been there for you." My voice matching his. "You know that Reece and I would've helped you with it."

He shrugs. "Whatever, but with that happening and then Reece cheating and fucking ruining our whole relationship, it all just got to me. It was pain, anger, and just built up emotion. To this day me and Reece fight about it. I'm probably a dick for staying with him, but he was my best friend for the same amount of time you were mine." His voice sounds almost guilty, and I hate it.

I nod and make eye contact with him, "I know and it's okay. If I was in your position I'd probably do the same."

I wanted him to explain more and just continue, but then again I understand now what happened and I don't want to put him the position where he feels the need to tell me everything.

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