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☻ Oaklee ☻

When I woke up from one of the best naps I've had in a while, I thought I fucking time traveled. I woke up when it was dark out. I remember falling asleep when it was literally 2 p.m.

I woke up with drool on my face and pillow and blanket marks on my face and arms. I felt so out of place, but so refreshed and energized.

Blindly grabbing my phone from the side of me, I check the time. 10:03 p.m.

Holy shit.

Well, I'm not going to bed anytime soon.

Then my eyes scanned to the messages on my home screen of a picture of me and Avery. My breath stilling at the number I seen.

His number. The same one I memorized since 6th grade. Reece. He texted me, twice.

I unlock my phone and my eyes immediately scan over the two small messages. Two small grey bubbles that mean so much to me, so much more than it should.

(Number): Hey Oaklee, it's Reece. I'm just checking in to make sure your head doesn't explode and that you're not dead. 

(Number): Let me know if you need anything.

I re-read the words twice more, making sure I wasn't dreaming any of this.

Let me know if you need anything.

Do I need anything? Should I text him back? Should I just make something up? Just so I could see him?

No. Fucking shit, Oaklee. Get your act together. These stupid messages are bringing back feelings that I was supposed to leave months ago. They don't mean anything, just checking on me.

I groan and throw my head forward on the bed, shutting off my phone.

I sit up fully on my bed and put one foot under my butt, the other dangling off my bed. I blow air out through my cheeks and shake my head.

I'm gonna bake. It'll take my mind off of him. Plus, I can stay up, it's not like I have much to do tomorrow.

I walk to my bathroom and wash my face, taking off my makeup since I forgot to when I came home. Then, washed my hands and put my hair in a blue hair clip.

I threw on a sports bra and some black sweats, then headed to my kitchen. Nia was laying down in her little doggy bed, peacefully sleeping. I walked into my small living room and quickly put on my Spotify playlist.

'False God' by Taylor Swift echoed throughout the house as I went into the kitchen and started pulling out my ingredients for vanilla cupcakes.

I was ready to go until I got to the eggs. I had none, and it was too late to just put everything back since everything was already poured into the bowl. I groaned and looked up at my ceiling.

"Why me! I just needed this one thing." I complained to absolutely no one.

I put my hands on my hips preparing myself to just give up and dump everything, but then I remembered someone's offer.

I mean..he did offer. And who am I to turn it down? It's like free DoorDash.

I walk back to my room and grab my phone before quickly going to my messages app and open Reeces' and I's conversation.

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