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☻ Oaklee ☻

Three months ago..

I stare at myself in the mirror, all I see is an absolute mess. Eyes red and puffy, mascara running down my face, my cheeks and nose red, and to top it off I have a pounding headache. Fucking great.

More tears streamed down my face as I kept thinking about it. How did I not see it coming? We weren't doing good anymore.

But I at least thought maybe a breakup not fucking cheating. The moment just replays over and over in my head.

He really cheated..with fucking Ashley of all girls. I mean it makes sense, she's the popular chick.

It's like every high school movie. The guy falls in love with the girl, they have an amazing life and relationship. Then right when it's their best time he goes and cheats with the popular cheerleader.

Leaving the girlfriend in the dust and heartbroken, while they live happily ever after.

Basically that, except we weren't at our best time.

Shaking my head and blowing my cheeks out, I wipe under my eyes, take a minute to stop crying and calm myself down.

I grab a random hair tie off my dresser and throw my hair into a quick, messy bun, and head to the bathroom. Throwing water on my face and washing my face, I look back at my reflection.

My face is still red and with puffy eyes, but at least no makeup.

Letting my hair down I leave my bathroom and head back towards my room. Flopping down onto my bed and closing my eyes, I let myself doze off into sleep.

Present day..

Staring at myself in the same mirror that I stared at myself in that day, I noticed I looked different. Maybe more confident? Or it could just be the fact I'm not fucking crying over him anymore.

I had my brown hair pulled up into a claw clip, and just some natural makeup on.

I just looked more put together I guess.

Walking into my room, I stand in front of mirror and double check my outfit. I have some jean shorts on, a black shirt with a small smiley face in the top corner, and some grey converse. Along with my beautiful necklaces and bracelets as well.

I head over to my dresser and unplug my phone and grab the last of my things before going to the kitchen.

I go to the cabinets and grab the dog food and walk over to Nias sage green dog bowl.

I fill it up and notice her water bowl is full, so I don't need to refill that one. Right when I put back the food Nia comes into view.

It immediately brings a smile to my face. I bend down as she comes running to me.

"Hi baby!" I say while petting her as she pants heavily.

Nia is a German Shepard, and is 3 months old. I call her my baby because she is and I stand by that. I will protect Nia with everything in me honestly.

She was here for me when I really needed her. I got her around the time I broke up with him. Which is why I really needed her. She's basically my emotional support animal without the red vest and rights to go everywhere with me, unfortunately.

Anyway, Nia means everything to me.

"Okay, I have to go, I will see you later." I tell her as if she'll speak back. I pet her one last time before kissing her fur and leaving.

I see her go to the bowl and start eating. Grabbing my keys I close the door and lock it, then head over to my car.

I live by myself right now, I moved from my parents about 5 months ago I think.

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