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ϟ Reece ϟ

When me and Roman walked into the bookstore for the job, I don't know what I expected. It for sure wasn't Oaklee though.

Yes, Oaklee, my ex-girlfriend who I cheated on. I'm the bad guy, yes I know.

The whole reason I even slept with Ashley was because I was drunk, but I can't say I completely regret that night.

Oaklee was absolutely beautiful, I won't deny that. She was smart and an amazing girlfriend. And an amazing friend.

She was my best-friend since 1st grade. We had been bouncing around our feeling for a while until we finally got a fucking clue and started dating. Our relationship was perfect, amazing. We were good for each other, mostly. The only problem was that Oaklee was very shy. She always had insecurities and was never confident in herself. I tried to help her with her insecurities. I tried showing her how amazing she was and explaining how perfect she was to me, but she wouldn't listen. Soon I got tired of it, she never spoke up for herself, and I felt like I was putting in all of the effort. She went from being someone I wanted to date to someone that was exhausting to be around.

I'm not trying to be a dick about it, but it's the truth.

So, the day of the party I was already slightly pissed at her because she kept trying to back out or seem like it was such a hassle to go. I finally convinced her and we went, but as soon as we got there she shut down. She went back to hiding in the corner, like she was trying to be miserable. Instead of sticking around I got drunk, so drunk that when Ashley started her usual flirting I went along with it. I let her touch me and drag me to the bedroom, and I let us have sex.

It was good I guess. The night was more memorable because of the situation though, not her abilities in bed.

Now to sum it up, Oaklee found out, we broke up, I wanted Ashley so we got together.

Finally, present day me and Roman are now working with my ex. I mean, I guess she seems more confident and less insecure, but I can't really tell.

I come out of my trance as fingers snap in front of my face.

I jump and look at Oaklee, who's glaring at me. "Hey! Are you even listening." She says.


"Mhm, of course I am Oak." I speak casually. I also know to call her 'Oak' just to piss her off. And when she lets out a heavy breath I know it worked.

I smirk in my head.

"One, you don't call me Oak, you lost that privilege long ago when you cheated on me with someone else-"

Oh believe me, I know.

"-My names Oaklee. Second, what did I just say this aisle was then? Since you're listening, of course." She finishes with rage and annoyance in her voice.

I think back to when I was really listening and hope I get this right.

I scratch my neck before speaking, "Oh! The aisle was cooking books and something else like that." I tell her, squinting one of my eyes.

I hope I don't look stupid right now.

In the corner of my eye I see Roman trying not to laugh. That just confirms that my answer was wrong,

Little shit.

She scoffs and shakes her head, "That was four aisles ago, so maybe you should listen now. You don't want to mess this job up too."

I know exactly what she meant by that. And ouch.

I fucked up our relationship, so she doesn't want me to fuck this up either.

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