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☻ Oaklee ☻

I turn around and lock my house door before pressing my back against it and sliding down with a groan. I finally got home from work, and let me just say, I sort of wish that Maggie had just fired me.

Reece just gets me so upset and riled up that I hate it. The feelings that I had when he cheated just continue to resurface and I end up wanting to punch, kick, and hurt him all at once. He makes me so mad and hurt all at the same time. The one place I actually looked forward to going to is probably now my least favorite, my escape has been pillaged by my worst enemy.

I just hope from now on I don't need to really talk to him and maybe Maggie will just boss him and Roman around.

With my eyes still closed, I hear small taps of paws on the floor and then panting. I open my eyes and see Nia's gorgeous fur and her sparkling eyes staring back at me. She immediately brings a small smile to my face. I reach out and pet her and rest my cheek on her fur. "Nia, what would I do without you?" I mumble into her fur.

I eventually get up from the floor and walk to my room, hearing Nia's paws tap against the floor. I'm assuming she's following me. I hang my bag on the doorknob of my bedroom door, and throw my keys on my dresser.

I launch myself onto my bed, landing face down, and close my eyes. I feel a little weight on the bed next to my head, making my assumption correct. I reach my hand out to feel Nia's fur and run my fingers through the soft puppy. A sigh of relaxation and utter exhaustion escapes my mouth. Then, my stupid mind decides that this is the best time to go over every embarrassing or slightly abnormal moment of my day in great detail, which only lead me to fall into a pit of self loathing and embarrassment. I wish I knew what it was like to be able to lay down without going over every minute of my day and obsess over it, what wouldn't I give to be blissfully unaware of my awkwardness and everything I'm insecure about.

Maybe I wouldn't have so much to go over if Reece hadn't showed up. Why did he have to come back? I thought I was finally rid of him, then I got slapped in the face by reality with him showing up again. Maybe I should just ignore him, but would that make me weak? Should I move on and focus on forgetting or should I finally let out of the emotion I had been hiding from?

That is the question.

I guess Roman is still Roman at least. He stills seems like the gentleman he was before, just not his happy self. I know I would much rather work with him then Reece.

No, no, no. That's it. I'm done thinking about them, I've had enough of them for one day. I'm just glad it's my day off tomorrow. I'll probably go out to get coffee and walk around since it'll be a nice day.

..Or just stay in bed all day. I kind of want to do the first option, but I don't think my body will allow that.

I sigh and drag myself off the bed before I let myself get comfortable and head to my dresser. I grab a pair of black sweats and a random band shirt I got for Christmas. I strip my clothes off and put on my pajamas. After I'm dressed I go to my bed to grab my old clothes, and see Nia curled up comfortably. With my dirty clothes in my hands, I toss them in my laundry basket. Once that's done I allow myself to also get comfortable on the bed with Nia. I grab my phone, play Spotify, and grab a book to read, hoping to get a couple chapters in before bed.

I was so engulfed in my book I almost didn't hear my phone ding on my dresser. I finished up my page before I switched my book out for my phone only to find a text from my best friend Avery.

Avery: Hey girl! How was your day?

Me: Hey Av! Ugh don't even get me started. It sucked.

Avery: Oh Oak, I'm sorry, hun. Wanna talk about it?

Me: um, not particularly, especially not over text.

Avery: Oh perfect, wanna go for lunch tomorrow, I miss you and I need to know what book I need to destroy for ruining your day. Haha

Me: umm, well there is no way I'm dragging myself out of bed before 11, soooo no to breakfast, and it wasn't a book asshole. It was a person.

Avery: WHAT!!!!


Avery: Also if I didn't have a class I wouldn't get up before then either, how about lunch at like 1 instead. That way you can sleep and I can go to class.

Me: haha, number one, you don't have to kill anyone and two, that sounds perfect. I'll see ya tomorrow Av! Night!!!!


Avery: Night!

I didn't even bother to reply to her 'I'm not an asshole' comment because we both know that my claim was true. After closing out the messaging app I opened up my clock app so I could set an alarm for noon, plenty of time to get ready and get there while still allowing me to sleep in. After my alarm was set I double checked my ringer was still on, the amount of times I have slept late because that stupid ringer was off has caused me to be wary of blindly trusting it. Then I grabbed my phone charger so that I wouldn't be worried about my phone dying tomorrow. When I was sure my alarm would ring and I would have a fully charged cell phone, I turned over and snuggled into Nias' soft fur. I really don't know what I would do without her.

And with that last thought I drifted into a deep and dreamless



i hope you guys have a good day!

-riley <3

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