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Grip and pull.

My claws dig into the bark of the rock, hard tree while being peeled off as I climb my way to the very top.

Being the twin Alpha does have its perks after all.

Up here it wasn't as quiet as the understory for the branches swayed to the rhythm of the wind weaving its way through the forest into the open fields.

The warmth of the sun swinging back memories to the good old days featuring my parents and Kane but with the sudden appearance of an overcast and feel of the crisp breeze has me clutching onto the tree branch with dear life.

Bringing me back to that day when all ended and we became anew.

It was a stormy night, lightning flashing and a chorus of thunder blaring outside our house. And inside was little old Kane and I under the many layers of security which was provided by our blankets.

It was a child's nightmare alright but loud voices could be heard in the very next room. Curiosity got the best of us, I mean mum and dad never fought!

Peeking through the opening of the door was indeed our parents yelling at each other and to a third person who according to the shadow appeared to be seated.

And then in the blink of an eye and the mere snap of a finger... my parents scream their lungs as both were set ablaze.


Thunder clapped louder this time and lighting struck brighter as Kane dragged two teary orphans outside the burning house; which once we called home.

My blurry eyes open to the sudden whip of wind, quickly blinking my tears away I hear someone.

I hear him.


'Are you okay, Kate?'

"It's mate, he's worried" Ava peaks up after ghosting me and now only responds to MATE.

It's going to take more than that to calm me down so I plan to ignore him by not replying but then a fire burns inside my chest, one of anger and rage.

I clutch my heaving chest as tears make its way down my puffy cheeks.

I could feel him.

I could feel what he's feeling. At this point my wolfs' taken over as my claws hit the ground faster and more precisely than ever before.

I need to be with Xavious even if he doesn't want me there.

I sniff the area and knew I made it back to Xavious' pack's border, few more minutes and I could be with my mate after all we have been destined together but I guess today was not my day.

Growling in pain I hit the ground scraping my wounded flesh even more. I was bitten.

Did I cross a territory?

Trying to gain back my senses I fall into a daze as five above average sized werewolves surround me but something was odd about them.

Their eyes; one was blue while the other was red. Their scent was not of normal werewolves or else I would've sensed them... they can't be!

Because if they are then that would make Xavious our number one enemy...


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