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Indeed these hybrids were above average in size but they were in fact beautiful in an unique way; their midnight black coated fur had a slight sheen to them highlighting their strong and mighty muscles like that of Xavious' Wolf.

I've counted 8 of them and they're all staring back at me with the same intensity. That is until one of them shuffles closer to me with a look of curiosity to which I slightly extend my arms.

I smile once his muzzle touches my palm and then it slowly nears closer. I chuckle when it growls once I moved my hands away but then I place them on his head and behind his ears.

Two more joined in as I rubbed their underbelly and wondered where have they been all this time.

While only three warmed up to me the others observed with their heads slightly tilted.

At this point I understood that I had to bring out my wolf; Ava. After transforming into my wolf I near the other five and place my wolf's forehead on theirs for gaining their trust.

It actually worked for all eight of them began to howl in unison. I felt as if we all were connected somehow and that I knew them as though they were family.

Following each one outside I'm being led into the forest. We run and run, playing around and feeling free. Where nothing else but the fresh air and nature mattered along with connecting with our wolves.

It all comes to a sudden stop when all eight wolves stand still at the edge of a clearing; we were hovering a cliff. They look towards me with their blue and red coloured eyes urging me to come closer.

And once I do, looking down has me feeling on edge; literally.

Glancing down to a long flowing river leading out to sea by the means of a waterfall. My paw reaches forward but it bounces back as a ripple of blue waves emits around the surrounding area.

I repeat it once more and again it pushes me back not allowing me to move forward. Not allowing me to escape.

And so it was a barrier made to hold them in from the outside world. One of the protection spells casted around this part of the forest.

How many years have they been like this?

Before I could acknowledge them, they are making their way back and with a defeated sigh I follow suit knowing well that I may never be able to return back home to family and friends or even to my mate.



I feel lost for a part of me is missing. The sadness and rage is filling the void which has me aching for my mate. A few of my warriors and I have divided into three groups searching for her, her scent gets stronger by the second then fades away as soon as we catch up.

It was a never-ending chase. One of torture not knowing of her whereabouts or her well-being, what if she's hurt?

My wolf has shut me out yet his senses are heightened; alert at every moment.

It was the bleak, harsh breeze that had caught my attention followed by the eerie silence upon arrival in this part of the woods; it was ahead of my packs border but close enough. No one treads the depth of these dangerous roads for once they go in they never come out; At least not in one piece.

Yet, only one man has come out alive but he is no longer, and that man was my father. I never got the chance to ask him regarding it for the day he made it out was the very same day he was challenged for the title of Alpha.

I was a teenager who had been shown the lows and highs of life, son of the Alpha and Luna and the only heir. Imagine the change of scene when the two most important people in your life is at each other's throat.

It was not a happy ending. My mother challenged my father and as the fight reached its peak mother was left torn open while my father himself bled out due to the fatal wounds.

During the rounds of the fight my screams were left unheard as the elders held me back saying...

"It will all be over soon, son".


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