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I let him be and gave him his space. To be honest I wasn't expecting him to even straddle me like that but damn it was comfortable. Although when he did look away, I felt a tug on my heart as if he had someone else on his mind. What am I thinking, he could have any other girl with perfect hair and a beautiful body. I was just me, plain and freaking crazy.

I close my room door with a little more force then intended. I jump on my bed and sigh into the pillow, my body felt cold and empty almost as if it was missing something. I couldn't help but think what was worse, leaving my family or even bothering to care for this beast.

Is it so hard for someone to accept that there can be people who care for them? I feel that caring is exactly my problem. I should just be a stubborn girl who keeps and minds her own fucking business but...who am I kidding?

Feeling the dry tears that stained my cheeks, I couldn't help but feel used like a toy. No one cared enough to ask or even talk to me, they only wanted it... my body. That's where the only love I was shown was from my family.

I start to cry all over again thinking of how I ruin everyone else's lives. My brother's wedding for God's sake! Kane, Hannah, my friends and now even Xavious seems to hate me.

I ponder deep into thought just as I hear knocking on the door. I look up to see Laura standing there looking worried with the darkness casting shadows on her face. I wipe my tears quickly and walk to her and switch on the light.

"What's wrong Laura?" I ask her with concern lacing my tone.

"I know it's late, but Xavious hasn't eaten. That poor boy is going to leave this world alone and sad if he keeps working so much-I just need to make sure he eats. He just won't let me in. Not even Heithen Can you-"

"Here, let me take his food..." I say to her while nodding my head.

"...and yours too darling" I give her a smile and go down to the kitchen and eat myself first. I didn't want to eat with him. Not now. I look at the time and realize it's 1 in the morning. Did I sleep from crying?

Wanting to go back to sleep I quickly take his tray of dinner which was Lasagne and a glass of wine. Without knocking I enter his office and find him flopped on his sofa with his laptop on the floor. He was shirtless and lay on his stomach twirling a pen with his long fingers when he looks up with fire burning in his eyes.


I was called down for dinner exactly 8 times by Laura and even twice from Heithen but I didn't bother. I felt bad and wanted to apologise to Kate but that would mean I care.

But you do!

I hear my wolf Axes scream for the first time in centuries, for the past weeks he was appearing often. Mostly when I was doubting myself the most. I was done looking for my mate for they are only for werewolves.

I on the other hand am a hybrid, the moon goddess probably thought that I wouldn't need one. I thought all I needed was power to be the king. But how can one be a king without a queen?

All the power did was earn respect and fear from everyone. When my people saw me, they all saw an empty cold hearted Alpha. I could smell them reek of fear and terror, they only thought the worst of what I would do.

Except Kate.

She was far from terrified. When I first met her I could only see the blue in her eyes with a trace of green and only anger filled in them. She is brave, passionate, crazy at times but bearable. But most of all she's caring, almost too caring especially that she's the only one who has seen a glimpse of who I am. She makes me feel humane and want to live. I can lose myself sometimes but it's for the best.

Only the strongest survive in my pack and the bravest like my Beta Heithen.

I've lived my life to the ultimate ranks if only you could imagine. I got everything I wanted but I still lay here thinking I didn't get what I needed. Love. I've come to learn it's just a word. If you say it many times, overtime it loses its meaning.

My parents were afraid of me and abandoned me only to find out they took each others lives for fear of what I will become, therefore fighting for the title of Alpha.

What I am. I am not even a werewolf nor a vampire... just a creature with no heart. Overtime, I switched off my emotions.

I use people and watch them live out their lives only to see them die. Then it starts again, I meet endless people and make friends only to have them leave me. I thought I had a lover once, her name was Natalie. Only to find that I just used her for sex and she used me. Nothing more. From what I have learnt is that there's a thin line between anger and love. At times there's also a thin line between love and lust.

Does that mean what I feel for Kate is imagi-

I get cut between my thoughts when I hear the door open and instantly I'm hit with her scent. I lift my head towards her and search her for answers I know I won't get especially after what I did.

Yet, she still places a tray of what smelt heavenly down on my desk. She looks at me as if looking for answers as well. I sit up and see her tired eyes and tangled hair. With one hand she rubs her forearm and looks at the mess on the floor.

"Laura's worried about you. You should eat before she passes out herself" She says in a soft tone when she lets out a small yawn and covers her mouth.

"You can stay... if you like" I manage to breathe out as she makes herself comfortable on the huge arm chair. She hugs herself and falls asleep in a flash of light. I smile to myself as I finish eating my lasagne and look from the papers on the floor to Kate.

The moonlight shadows half her smooth features. Her cheeks were pink and her lips were plump. I was memorized by her beauty, enchanted really.

I decide to take her to her room so that I can focus on my work and get a move on things. After tucking her in, I sit on the sofa and sink in it while typing away like a mad man. After precisely 10 minutes I throw my laptop on the floor again and adjust myself on the couch when I hear a groan from behind me.

I stand up and see Kate rubbing her eyes looking cute just standing there like a lost puppy.

"Xaviousss..." She stretches out my name. God I loved it when she says my name. If only I could- I cut my thoughts off as I shake my head.

Kate tugs my arm with both her small hands and pulls me out of my office. I think she must have been too tired to care that we ended up in my room. She gets in my bed and pats for me to sleep with her while pleading with me. I sigh and jump in bed with her as she cuddles on my chest and breathes so softly, "night Xavious".

I rub my eyes and start to feel sleep taking over. I never had any girl sleep on my bed except for Kate. I look down at her beautiful face and trace my finger along her cheek. Before I completely faded I asked myself 'what is so special about her'.

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