Chapter Three | Loverboy |

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The group bursts through the doors, making their way through the crowded hallway. "That was weird." Pitts voiced.

"But different," Neil added, adjusting his grip on his books, continuing leading the group out of the busy hall.

"Spooky if you ask me," Knox said from the back of the group. Elle quickly gave him a shoulder pat, squeezing her way to the front of the group.

Walking backwards, she continued teasing him, "You are absolutely right Knox, a teacher who's actually funny compared to all the other dull adults in this school. Positively terrifying." The group laughed, Knox giving her a playful glare.

"Think he'll test us on that stuff?" Cameron asked, ignoring Elle's jokes while worrying over the new teachers plans for the English course.

"Oh come on Cameron, don't you get anything?" Charlie mocked.

"What?" He questions not getting what Charlie was saying. "What?" He repeated chasing after the group when, instead of answering, they hurried ahead.

Charlie puts his hand on Elles lower back, ushering her further. Elle doesn't notice this, too preoccupied with quietly teasing Kara about Pitts.

But just because Elle didn't notice, doesn't mean the other boys didn't. Meeks, and Knox looked blown away, while Neil just sighed, seeming unsurprised. Pitts was up ahead walking beside Kara, and Todd has no clue what's going on.

"No way," Knox gasped out, nudging Meeks repeatedly. Meeks grabs Knox's arm, shoving him away.

"Will you stop that! I can clearly see them too," he glares at him, rubbing his now sore arm. They continued to watch after them, noticing Charlie has yet to remove his hand.

"I can't believe she's letting him. You don't think he'll pull the same stunt he did last time, do you?" Meeks questioned, slightly concerned for Elle.

"No, I don't think he will," Neil confidently answers, chasing after the now far ahead group with Todd following him. The pair exchanged looks before shrugging, now chasing after Neil and Todd.


Kara and Elle quickly reach the study area, slightly late. As soon as they enter, Elle gently grabs Kara's arm, pulling her close.

"I suggest you offer to help Pitts and Meeks with the radio, I'll get Meeks to come join the rest of the boys for a bit so you can get to know Pitts better alone." She gives the girl a quick wink, darting off before she could deny her tiny crush on the boy.

Elle walks over to Neil and Charlie, who had Cameron helping them with their trig homework. She takes a seat beside Neil placing her books down.

"Hello gentlemen, and Charlie." Neil and Cameron grin, while Charlie shakes his head, still glaring at his paper hoping the trig problem would solve itself.

"Did I mention how much I like your glasses Neil? I think they suit you very well. Richard I require your assistance for trig as well," she continues on. Neil gives her a smile, and Cameron glares at her.

"Sure thing Nora," he walks over showing her how to complete the question.

Elle looks over to Pitts, Meeks, and Kara. The girl was seemingly too shy to say anything, quietly watching Pitts and Meeks converse over their radio.

Keeping to her word, Elle decides to help her out. "Meeks!" She calls, said boy looking over to her in question.

"Can you help me with the Latin work? None of these idiots seem to get it." He nods, walking over to her.

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