Chapter Six | Dead Poets Society |

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The group was in the library, huddled over a map trying to find the best route to the cave. "I don't know, this is starting to sound dangerous." Cameron began to freak once again.

"Oh, well why don't you stay home?" Charlie told him off.

"For god's sake, stop chattering and sit down." The teacher snapped at all of them. Neil quickly moved, going to sit beside Todd, Elle smiled when she noticed this. She let them have their moment, turning back to everyone sitting around her.

She discreetly nudges Meeks, gaining his attention. "Look there, at Pitts and Kara. You gotta help convince him to ask her out. I'm already wearing her down."

Meeks looks at the two mentioned, then nodding his head in agreement.

Charlie watches their hushed conversation, before deciding to add himself to it. He leans over Knox, closer towards Elle.

"What are you two discussing quietly, alone?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing." Elle shuts him down, seeing Pitts and Kara looking at them too, she didn't answer not wanting to embarrass them.

What she didn't know is she only made Charlie more suspicious. He's already noticed how close the two are, how they're always touchy, how he's always the first one she goes to. He knew he had no right, but Charlie was jealous.

Before he could question them anymore, Neil came back to talk about Todd still joining despite not wanting to read, to which they all agreed too.


Once curfew had passed, and night had fallen, Kara and Elle quietly left the girls dorm area reaching the back of the school to meet the boys.

They quietly snook behind two, unable to tell who was who because of the same hooded jackets they were all wearing.  Actually, Kara was able to tell Pitts out from the rest very easily due to his height.

Looking at each other they held back a laugh, and Elle made a gesture of 'one, two, three' with her fingers. The girls quickly ran at them, jumping and startling them all.

Pitts let out a high pitched yelp, and Meeks squeaked. Charlie, who Elle unfortunately jumped on, held the back of her legs giving her a piggyback ride.

"Darling Ellie, took you two long enough we thought you both got caught." He said as they all started to go looking for the cave.

"You can put me down now." Elle told him, once they reached the forest. Charlie obeyed not wanting to trip and take her down with him.

Elle was looking around the forest when Charlie grabbed her arm and pulled her down.

"Charlie, wha-"

He quickly cut her off with a 'shh'.

Soon Meeks approached the two, and Charlie jumped up with a flashlight pointed towards his face yelling out, "Ah! I'm a dead poet!"

Meeks jumps, falling backwards slightly, muttering, "aw shit, Charlie." Elle laughs at the good scare, helping pull Meeks back up.

"Guys! Over Here!" Neil calls them over. Elle runs to them, while Charlie laughs at Meeks as he mumbles complaints to him.

Once they enter the cave Meeks tries to build a fire only resulting in a ton of smoke.

"It's too wet, god are you trying to smoke us out of here?" Charlie complained, fanning it away from his and Elles faces.

"No, no, the smoke is going right up this opening," Neil replies, unbothered while using his flashlight to read a book.

Suddenly, they hear Pitts yell out when he tries standing to his full height, resulting in him banging his head at the top of the cave. Kara is quick to check if he's okay, while the others laugh.

𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒃𝒐𝒓𝒐 𝑵𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒔Where stories live. Discover now