Chapter Thirteen | It's For You, It's God |

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It was the day after Charlie and Elle had kissed. They've yet to have a chance to talk about it due to the fact Mr. Nolan had read the article Charlie wrote, and set up an assembly to address it.

Elle and Kara sat beside each other on the girls side of the room. Elle looked at all of the boys, finally landing on Neil. Her eyes widened to show her fear of what was to happen. He attempted to give her an assuring look, but it was obvious he was nervous too.

She looks back at Kara when she feels her hand on her shoulder, "It'll be fine, I have a trick up my sleeve." Kara whispers with a mischievous look.

Elle nudges her questiongly, but she doesn't give anything away. Before Elle can further prod Kara for answers, Mr. Nolan comes angrily stomping into the room with a trail of teachers behind him. They all stand.

"Sit." He orders them shortly, while putting on his glasses. They all quickly obeyed. Not without Elle giving an over exaggerated 'hmph' and dramatically flopping into her seat, arms crossed.

This earned her a slight amused look from Kara, but also a warning to not draw too much attention.

Elle leaned back staring at the ceiling hoping this wouldn't take too long. Naively she believed the faster it ended, the more likely they'd all be okay.

Before beginning his boring speech, Mr. Nolan removes his glasses, staring everyone down.

Elle snorted, "did he really bring the glasses just so he could dramatically pull them off-?" Kara cut her off, slapping her hand over her own mouth so she wouldn't laugh, while nudging Elle to be quiet.

"In this week's issue of  Welton Honour there appeared a profane and unauthorized article. Rather than spend my valuable time ferreting out the guilty persons - and let me assure you I will find them -" Elle nervously looks at Charlie, he simply smirks at her.

"I'm asking any and all students who know anything about this article to make themselves known here and now." The Dead poets all look at each other uneasily.

Elle immediately catches that stupid look on Charlie's face, a look she knew too well. He was going to do something dumb. She glares at him vigorously shaking her head no, he only acts as if he doesn't see her.

"That little bitch. I swear we're doomed."

"Whoever the guilty persons are, this is your only chance to avoid expulsion from this school." As soon as Mr. Nolan is finished speaking, a telephone ringing is heard throughout the room.

Suddenly Charlie lifts up a telephone seemingly out of nowhere, answering it.

"Where the fuck did he pull that from? His ass-" Elle is once again interrupted by Kara telling her to be quiet.

"Welton Academy, Hello. Yes he is, just a moment." Charlie stands from his seat, gesturing the telephone to the front.

"Mr. Nolan it's for you, it's god! He says we should treat girls equally at Welton."

Everyone laughs, besides the Dead Poets who all look exasperated and annoyed by the stunt Charlie's pulling.

Dragging her hands down her face Elle turns to Kara, "he's an absolute dumbass, but even I have to admit that's a little attractive."

Kara just stares at her blankly. "Right. Not the time." They turn back to continue watching Charlie possibly doom them all.

Furiously, Mr. Nolan demands Charlie to go to his office. Charlie stands and is lead by Mr. Nolan, followed by the teachers.

Elle quickly stood from her seat attempting to follow after Charlie. She knew she couldn't do anything to help him without exposing The Dead Poets Society, but she couldn't stop her panic over the possibility of him being expelled.

𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒃𝒐𝒓𝒐 𝑵𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒔Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum